16: A Special Moment

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Love is friendship set on fire.

After the show we went back to the hotel. By the time we got there my energy buzz had worn off and exhaustion had kicked in. I was ready for sleep. I definitely needed it after a day like today. 

I crawl into bed and turn off the light, falling asleep. 

"Come on lazy bones! Keep up!" I call, laughing as I run through a forest I had never seen before.

I couldn't see whoever I was calling to. Eventually I stop to wait for whoever it was. As I look behind me, wondering where they had gone, a pair of arms wrap around my waist. 

"Boo," Niall whispers in my ear. I giggle as he rests his chin on my shoulder. "You're it!" he says, running off again. I playfully roll my eyes at his childish games, but run after him anyways.

I was sad he stopped hugging me though. I liked the feeling of being in his arms.

I saw as he stopped for breath, using a bare tree for support as he breathed heavily. His back was facing me so I ran up and jumped on him. We both fell to the ground, laughing as we rolled over the orange and brown leaves. We ended up on top of each other by the time we landed. He was above me, supporting himself with his arm which was planted on the ground next to my head. He smiled down at me and I smiled back up at him. 

"I love you Niall," I say to him. 

"I love you too," he says back, leaning down and kissing my lips. It was a quick kiss, but it left me smiling. His words repeated themselves over and over. 

I love you too. 

I love you too. 

I love you too.

My eyes open. I sit up in bed, a small smile playing on my lips.

That was strange. I had a dream, but it wasn't a bad dream. It was a nice, happy dream. I woke up smiling instead of crying. But if it was nice why did I wake up in the middle of the night? It left me confused.

I see Niall staring at me from his spot on the couch. He had a half-eaten sandwich sitting in front of him on a plate.

"What was your dream about?" he asks immediately. I was thrown off by his demanding tone. 

"Nothing, why?" I lie. He looks at me like he knows something. 

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Why are being so demanding all of a sudden?" He looks a bit annoyed for a split second before his expression softens. 

"Please tell me?" his tone weakens. I close my eyes and take a breath. 

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