- Prologue! -

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- mackenzie -
*7 years later*

"Mummy!" Elizabeth Macy Ziegler, my 5 year old daughter, shouted from the living room.

"What, Lizzie?" I shout back, from the kitchen.

"Come look!" She shouts. I sigh and walk into where she was watching the TV. The one and only Johnny Orlando on the screen. Her father. Wait. How did she get that up.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Look, it's Johnny." She says, excitedly.

"Um. Uh." I say.

Me and Johnny lasted just under two years. The break up was caused by me. I had been waking up feeling nauseous in the mornings, so, Mum took me to the doctors to get me checked out. The doctor checked everything and took note of my symptoms. He suggested to take a pregnancy test, then if I wasn't pregnant to book another appointment. But. I was pregnant. Yep. I panicked and instead of telling Johnny, I practically dumped him. Harsh I know. We haven't spoken since the day we broke up. Johnny continued with his singing career and I became a mother and a fashion designer. My clothing lines are quite well known, so I'm still famous, you could say. But I keep Lizzie out of the media, if it was reported she was my daughter, everyone would instantly know she was Johnny's child. Johnny still doesn't know he has a child, yet Lizzie is his number one fan. I know what you're thinking. But no. She doesn't know he is her father. She's always listening to his music, but she doesn't watch videos of him so often. Me and Lauren are still best friends. She helped a lot through the pregnancy and still hasn't mentioned anything to Johnny. Neither has Mer, Darian or Maddie o, but they all do know she's Johnny's child. We're all as close as we were back when I was 17. Well. Except from Johnny. He's always in different countries, touring the world and everything. I still love him, but I messed up so it's never gonna happen again.

Luckily, her eyes went back to being glued to the tv, so I walked back into the kitchen and called Lauren.

"Hey, Kenz!" She exclaims through the phone.

"H-h-hey." I stutter, as I feel the start of a panic attack. Yep, I still get them after 7 years. And yes I still have schizophrenia but it doesn't make an appearance very often, as my focus is completely on Lizzie all the time.

"Kenz, breathe for me please. What's going on do I need to come over?" I hear her say, as my version blurs.

"Uh." I say, not managing to get any words out.

"Kenz! I'm on my way, I'm bringing Maddie too. Hold tight! Breathe. Okay? Innnnnn. Outttttt. Innnnnn. Outttttt." She says. I breathe, following her instructions. Until the line goes dead. 2 minutes later my front door bursts open and a frantic Lauren and Maddie z run into the kitchen to me. Lauren grabs a glass, fills it with water and passes it to me. I take it with my shaky hand as Maddie calls out to Lizzie.

"Lizzie, where are you?" Maddie calls.

"The living room, auntie madz." I hear a small voice shout back. Maddie walks into the living room to Lizzie, as I sip my water.

"Um. Lolo. You might wanna come see this." Maddie shouts.

"Is this related to the panic attack?" She asks me first. I nod.

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