Chapter 1

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(A/N): Aaahhhh I'm starting soooo many projects at once kill meeee.

Originally published January 11th, 2019


   Ever since you've moved to Beach City, things have been even more wild than usual.

   You met this unique kid, a boy who's name was Steven Universe. He was an incredibly sweet kid, as he saw you walking alongside the beach one afternoon and asked if you wanted to hang out with him and his friend Connie. You saw them running around, kicking sand, dancing, and building little castles.

   You knew some folks in Beach City, but that was the first time you ever met the infamous star boy and became one of his closest friends in the whole world; next to Connie Maheswaran, of course.

   You could tell they had a slight thing for each other, but both of them wouldn't admit it. You were their communicator, meaning you'd help both of them share their feelings without them having to talk face to face. Very quickly after you met them, you all became as tight as can be.

   You thought all of it was adorable. That's even how you got closer to Connie.

   You began to ask about her interests, being a study buddy (you couldn't actually figure out how to do her advanced calculus classes, so you mostly hung around for moral support when she was doing homework), and hung around Beach City, sometimes with or without Steven.

   Sometimes you and her would go to Funland Arcade with Steven and play games like Road Killer, Punch Buddy, and Skeeball. (Steven once even told you about the Meat Beat Mania incident with Garnet, one of his magical guardians). Other times, you and Connie would go alone and walk around the boardwalk and eat cotton candy and laugh as she told you stories of her and Steven's misadventures.

It was always a blast with those two, no matter what.

   Steven always told you about his gem missions, and was always up for a phone call. One day, you two sat on the phone for hours as he laughed and told you about all of the travels he had been on with his family, the Crystal Gems.

   He told you about the time a magical bug monster, the Centibeetle ruined his favorite ice cream, Cookie Cats (and you two briefly shared your love of Cookie Cats, singing the jingle, and also shared a brief disgust with Lion Lickers and laughed), he told you about the time when he first met Connie and got trapped in the bottom of the ocean, then went into detail on how beautiful it was down there (and even rambled into the topic of his magic powers, like his bubble, his gem, his shield, and even his healing spit! You thought it was so cool.), and told you about his desert escapade with Lion, his faithful animal companion.

   You freaked when you met Lion at first, but he revealed himself to be an absolute cuddle monster. Steven always giggled at that.

   He even went into depth about his magical guardians, the Crystal Gems (or as he called them, his many moms), telling you stories about Garnet, how cool and strong she was, and how she was even made up of two people!

'It's this thing called fusion!' He said. 'I wonder if we can do it too! I know me and Connie can! It'll be so cool!'

   He then told you stories of Pearl, the elegant and graceful gem who always seemed to make sure you were always okay and keep you fed while you were at Steven's house. Lastly, was Amethyst, the tough and playful gem who always seemed like the cooler older sister to you and Steven. She always poked fun at how you were (taller/shorter) than her, always sparking a laugh from Steven.


   You've known Steven, Connie, and the Crystal Gems for around a year and a half now, and things have only gotten crazier and more magical.

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