1. Devil meets the Angel

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Stillness and silence could be both peaceful and haunting, and no one knew it better than me.

The prickling sensation of the needle piercing into my veins was torture and relief at the same time. The ugly voices echoing inside my brain would start rising higher and higher like a noxious smoke. The trance, the silence, the ecstasy - everything would scrumple into a dreadful ball of horror with every passing second. The drugs - whatever they would inject me with - worked like a witch's spell inside my body.

Kidnapped at the age of 16, I had faced some unspeakable horrors.

Transported from one brothel to the other auction house and then to another bought by someone—the descent to hell continued for about a year until a man named Antonio claimed me to be his 'property'. To use, abuse, and some more.

Rape, murder, violence, cruelty, humiliation, torture—you name it, and I have seen it all.

I had lived it and endured it, so far.

No matter how much I had tried to escape from this throttle of the hell, it was a forlorn hope. Instead, I kept falling and falling into the deepest abyss of darkness.

The day I was dragged to Antonio's room, beaten and bloodied, a cruel smile flashed on his face. He leaned down slowly, yanking at my hair to the point my scalp ached and said, "Ah! A whore worth the money and effort. Don't worry; I will make you feel good."

A strange whirl of renewed fear whirling inside my stomach told me that my fate was sealed.

In his defense, he probably did make me feel good. He injected me with different kind of drugs every day and raped me until his lust was sated. And sometimes, he would throw me away to other men or his guests until I would pass out.

The trance that trapped me was like an out-of-the-body experience.

I could sense when they would violate me, repeatedly, my brain screamed and howled, but nothing made past my lips. Instead, I begged and begged for some more drugs. It didn't take long for me to become a forced-drug addict. My body couldn't accept the drug withdrawals, and I would yell for the drugs day and night when they'd denied me of it.

The old Amelia Parker, or Mia as my mama named, was gone.

She's probably dead. I buried a part of myself the day they kidnapped me.

And from then on, the circle of beaten, drugged, tied to the bed and euphoria continued, like a never-ending cycle of hell.

A rough hand clutched the fleshy part of my thigh, squeezing hard. My first impulse was to crawl away, but Antonio had already chained me by the floor and near his bed.

"C'mon, bitch, I don't have all day for this," he gritted out in frustration and grabbed one of my breasts with the other hand. In response, I whimpered in pain as hot tears stung my eyes and blurred my vision.

"Fine," he spat out and landed a back-handed slap on my cheeks. "I know what you need, little whore." Reaching out, he grabbed a syringe already loaded with the drugs and waved in front of my eyes - like enticing a dog with a bone to do your bidding.

I leaped out to snatch it from his hand when he reared back and grinned. "You will only get this if I get a good blowjob. Else, I will make you scream all day without the drugs."

Antonio fisted my hair, dragging me to a kneeling position when something blasted our earshot.


"What the f—"

He couldn't finish the sentence because menacing figure stormed inside the room with such a brutal force that it would make anyone cower in fear.

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