4. A Whisper of a Guardian Angel

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In the last two years, I couldn't remember the last time someone handled me so gently. Truth be told, I wasn't even surprised when he yanked the piece of clothing from my body. I had been dealt with way worse treatment than this.
I had been abused and violated repeatedly by Antonio and others, so much so, that I lost my strength to fight anymore.

There was no point in fighting. I would just have ended up bloody and beaten.

However, Viktor's touch was something else. There were dominance and delicacy – all at the same time. I had no idea what this was called.
It felt like an overwhelming pleasure.

This man thoroughly confused me.
On one hand, he depicted as if he cared.
While, on the other hand, his threats and warnings were scary. From what I could gather, he didn't give second chances. You either listen to him or pay the price.

While my mind battled myriad of emotions of pain, pleasure, confusion, and helplessness, my body craved drugs. I was an addict and the withdrawal was too harsh. It was impossible to shut down this frantic craving.

For a whole year, I had been injected drugs —forcefully— so that my body could be used for every perverse way possible for hungry, lustful men. And the drugs fucked up my brain pretty nicely by now. So chasing the euphoria was my only solution. I was in no condition to battle with my body and mind.
I was too weak for that.
Too broken.
I didn't need saving. I needed drugs.

I started writhing on the floor in agony when I heard the door open and Viktor walked in. Clad in a crisp white shirt and jeans, he reached down immediately to help me get up on the bed.
But I was already out of my mind by that time. The blood in my veins flowed like molten lava, scorching me inside out. Agony rippled within me as I howled and cried in his arms.

"Please, just give it to me for the last time. Just give me a dose...Please. I won't ask for more. Please!" I begged and pleaded with a false promise of 'last time'.
We both knew it won't definitely be the last time.

"I can't take this anymore, please...please...please..." My voice trailed off.

He shook his head and coddled my body in his lap.

"Shhhh... You don't need it. Trust me, little one, you don't. Just fight it for some time and then you'll get used to it. I'll help you. Just trust me on this one," Viktor coaxed. He stated the last line, almost whispering.

Like a whisper of a guardian angel.

Little did he know ...that it was impossible to fight that urge. The ship had sailed a long time ago.

"Please. I beg of you. I'll do anything, anything you want." As shameless and pathetic as it sounded, I was ready to whore myself out for drugs. Again. That was how fucked up I was.

He took out his tie and bind my hands and pulled me on his lap once again.

"No. Not a chance, let's talk it out. Okay? When did they first inject you? Just approximated time...anything that you can remember," he inquired, cupping my face in his hands and boring into my eyes.

I was in no mood for a question-answer round. My body was churning inside and I had to wriggle out of his embrace. While his hold slightly loosened, I used by bound hands to hit his nose. It was a good thing he tied my hands in front, and not in my back.

And in that whole process, I rolled down his lap and fell on the ground with a thud.

Once again, a thoughtless attempt that simply ruined his mood.
I saw the soft expression changing into a hardened one while he silently closed his eyes and pressed his mouth into a hard line, shaking his head in disbelief.

Okay, I was officially in danger.

The hit was extremely fragile, probably felt like a tap on his nose, compared to his humongous, masculine built as against mine. I applied every ounce of force, with my hands and legs fastened, to crawl away from him, as much as I could. However, all it took for him to stand up and fix his shirt slightly —in a composed manner— and then clutched my neck to haul me back to bed.

In any rational state, I would have used logic and the situation would have been better, probably. But the irrational addicted brain was surely incapable. It acted like a desperate bitch and screwed up.
Every goddamn time!

"I tried treating you as humanly as possible and helping you as well. But looks like you want things rough, right? Then, definitely your way it is."

He opened a drawer and took out a pair of metal restraints – something I was very familiar with. With an impassive expression, he took off the tie, replacing it with handcuffs and secured my hands above my head, attached to the bed while I struggled futilely under his stance.

"I don't want any troubl-" before I could even finish the sentence, I was gagged.

Viktor stepped back slightly, taking a good look at his handiwork, and gave a satisfied expression while I whimpered desperately.

"From now on, no more second chances for you," he declared. Yeah, I was definitely right.

"I tell you to do something, you do it. You hesitate once, you pay a price. I told you to trust me and let me help you. But you have to carry on with the antics, isn't it?" I didn't like this condescending tone. "Did I rape you? Did I beat you up? No, right? Then why can't you just do what you are told for once?"
I wasn't a child, I wanted to tell him.

"I can make it good and help you through this addiction. Or, I can make it really bad and rip you inside out, until you give up. I have a feeling you want the second one. Hence, you stay like this till you learn to obey me."
As soon as he finished, there was a knock on the door.

Without taking his eyes off mine, he ordered, "Come in." As if he was expecting someone already.

My eyes fell on the beautiful brunette who entered with a greeting, "Hello, big brother."

"Sammy." He hugged her in a compassionate manner.

She wore a pretty A-line skater dress paired with a gorgeous handbag. Everything was pretty okay except I noticed a Stethoscope wrapped in her hand. Was she a doctor?

"Dominic called. He told me slightly why you need me here. But I require a few more details."

"Here's your detail," he pointed at me.

She looked at me sympathetically while I kept on whimpering through the gag.

"Why did you even do that?" she asked Viktor, pointing to my bound condition.

"She's a very compliant person, you would know," he stated deadpan.

He turned his gaze on me and started the one-sided conversation. "That's Sammy. She's a doctor. She will do your check-up...basic routine medical check-up, nothing fancy." He turned towards her again and said, "All yours."

Viktor walked back to the far wall opposite to the bed, leaning against it, and stood with his arms folded across his chest. The posture screamed dominance and authority. He fixated his eyes on me like a hunter on its prey and watched.

Although he did not say a single word and watched me silently, I knew better than to defy him at that point.

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