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Underneath the blanket, I still felt cold.

It was probably 4am. I was already in deep sleep. But, half of me was still conscious.

I was moving around my couch violently. I could feel it.

What could I do? I never felt anything like this. I always felt warm at night, but tonight was different.

The weirdest part about this, was that I felt sweaty. My forehead felt wet.

I shook my head, breaking myself out of my sleep. I can't sleep with my forehead being this wet. No.

I got up and sat awkwardly on my couch. I stared at my blanket, and then over to Angela, who was comfortably sleeping on the opposite couch.

I relaxed myself. I got out of my couch and walked to the kitchen. Took a nearby cloth and a glass and a flask of water.

With the cloth, I removed most of the sweat off my head. With the flask of water, I poured about half of it into the glass and carelessly drank it.

My body felt warmer. But I wasn't more awake than I was.

I was about to keep the flask of water, but I didn't notice my right arm was outstretched.

One quick turn of my body and I knocked the glass off the counter and onto the floor.

A deafening smash.

I jumped in the air in shock. I could hear my heart beat growing faster.

Then, Angela woke up and sat upright. She looked over to me in agitation.

"W... Matt? What's going on?"

I froze. I couldn't move or speak. I looked at her blankly.

I gave no reply. Angela just stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

Noticing the broken glass shards, she hissed. Like a mother scolding her son.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I still couldn't speak. Angela audibly sighed and grabbed a nearby broom and dustpan to sweep the glass shards.

"Are your feet OK?", Angela raised a concern. I shook my head as a proper response, but my mouth was still shut.

She took the dustpan with the glass shards in them and poured them neatly into a dustbin. I still could only stand still.

Then, she snapped. She walked over towards me and started shaking my head. I was wide awake.

"You are incredibly stupid. What are you doing here?"

I felt terrible.

I gave a soft reply.

"I... I'm sorry. I have a cold sweat. I'm getting a small headache. Everything is just... crumbling down. I hate this."

I clenched both my fists and attempted to hold in my tears. A mix of explosive emotions. Upset, sad, disappointment.

Angela didn't look concerned. She just looked really grumpy. But, she grabbed the cloth I used to wipe my sweat off and placed it on my forehead.

"Just get rest."

She exited the kitchen. But I did not.

I replied in a louder voice.

"I'm useless. Why do you still want me here?"

This time, she froze. Her muscles tensed up and she gave me a fierce look. She did not like my reply.

She entered the kitchen again and slapped my right shoulder.

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