Vampire's Hostage ~ Chapter 9

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Hey guys, thanks a bunch for ALL the suport, I Update this book soley for my fans and readers. I hope youall enjoy this, love you guys!


Chapter 9

“So, what is he doing exactly anyway?” I asked Jinx. He’d seated himself on the low couch across from me.

“He wants to see what would happen if he let her take over again, gain control; but this time, without you in range.” He said. Then he continued under his breath... “Idiot.”

“So he’s going to go all psycho like he did in my cage the other day? Where? Why?”

Jinx cocked his head to the side and looked at me with lazy eyes. “Uh, let’s see, yes, I don’t know, I don’t care.” He looked bored, like he wasn’t concerned for his brother at all.

“Do we really have to sit here for an hour and a half?” I asked.

“What else do you suggest we do sweetheart?” he snapped snarkily.

“I don’t know. Something.” I said in a deadpan voice.

“Are you hungry?” he asked standing up. I nodded, I was in fact, super hungry. “Okay, I can take you out somewhere to eat, I know Jace doesn’t really feed you all that much.”

“He feeds me more than the others.” I muttered, also standing.

I followed him out of the dark room and through the small cottage of a house until we got outside. This was the first time I’d really gotten to see anything because usually I travelled on Jace’s back and he went much too fast to see anything.

The neighborhood was quiet, it was just after dawn. The rows of houses all looked the same on first glance, but were really each unique, with different colors, slightly different angels at which the roofs slanted, simple things.

“How are we getting there?” I questioned.

Jinx smiled. “Wanna see my real talent?”

He held out his hand to me. I stared at it, unsure. “What are you going to do.”

“Trust me.” He said, his voice coming out as thick and smooth as honey.

Still unsure, I placed my hand in his.

I felt my stomach bottom out, like I was falling from an impossible distance. The world went black and I felt wind rushing past my face, stinging with its cold bite.

I felt my feet hit the ground, jarring my ankles. My eyes flew open. My hand was still in Jinx’s.

I looked around. We were standing in the middle of the street, a very different street from the one kyliee’s house was on. Around us we were surrounded by short squat buildings.

People - Vampires, spilled from each building, holding drinks and laughing. Music pumped from the buildings and I realized they were clubs. Neon signs declared each club’s name in bold letters above each door. 

Jinx towed me into one called 21. Inside, it was dark and the music was   extremely loud. Green and blue strobe lights cut though thick fog. The dance floor was crowded with beautiful people in expensive clothes. 

“I don’t belong here.” I said quietly. I wasn't oblivious to the shocked stares and whisper/hisses we were receiving as Jinx and I traipsed across the floor. Okay, well, Jinx traipsed, I was dragged warily behind. 

“Sure you do.” He responded without turning around. 

“No.” I said stubbornly. “I don’t.” 

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