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The presidential ball room reminded her of the picture she used to admire as a child in one of the forbidden books

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The presidential ball room reminded her of the picture she used to admire as a child in one of the forbidden books. Nadia couldn't remember the story, she was never big on reading, but the picture of a castle with snow white walls and sparkling ice floor and sealing was engraved in her mind. The ballroom was a very close replica: white light reflected from the enormous crystal chandeliers that hang from the tall sealing that was covered with silver, sparkling balloons. The waltzing couples in the middle of the room seemed like they were gliding on the light grey marble floor. Long, expensive, colorful dresses twirled on the dance floor as the orchestra in the corner followed the maestro's lead. Waiters and waitresses seamlessly roamed the room, offering the guests with champagne, strawberries and chocolate. Nadia's ice-blue eyes got caught on the breathtaking centerpieces on the round tables – the smell of rich, big white roses and light pink peony's filled the room.

-What do you think, darling? – Boris's voice startled her. Blinking, Nadia turned to face the older couple standing in front of her. Boris was looking down at her with his emerald green eyes, his left eyebrow slightly raised. She completely dozed off and had no idea what they were talking about. The last sentence she remembered had something to do with reinforcing the border wall, but that was probably a long time ago. She had no idea for how long she was gazing at the ballroom, and she doubted they were interested in her opinion on the reinforcement. She knew nothing about the wall, except it was very tall, made of concrete and protected their small polis from the Outside World.

She gave Boris a timid smile. Even with her high heels on, Boris was still hovering above her. She observed him for a second. His hair was perfectly styled, every strain of light brown hair combed back carefully. His tailored black suit fit him perfectly. She put her arm into his and smiled timidly, leaning her head on his broad, hard, muscular shoulder.

-Sorry, sweetheart, this place is so magical; I got completely lost in it. I have to ask your mother who did the flower arrangements; I've never seen roses smell so intensely.

Boris leaned in and kissed her forehead, and Nadia smiled another timid smile. She wished she could blush, but Boris's kisses never had that impact on her. Yes, he was every girls dream – charming, tall, athletic, good at almost everything, and let's not forget – he was a Filipov. The President's only son. Padora's future President.

The older woman sighted looking at the two of them.

-Look at them... To be young and in love.

-I tell you, looking at you two, I couldn't be bothered a bit about those rebels and their mischief. Padora's future is sure in your hands. – the older man said, raising his glass.

-I'll toast to that – Boris replied. – And don't worry about the rebels. They are just a small group of outcasts. The system will prevail.

And there he was, Boris the politician, reciting his father's phrases...

PADORA : Behind the masks (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now