When the masks fall, where will her allegiance lie?
The Big War destroyed everything. The Wall is the only thing protecting them from the evils of the world. At least, that is what they tell them...
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The landing was rough. The surface beneath them was uneven, the grass slippery... still, somehow, they both managed to land without falling off their bikes and breaking their necks.
Nadia was breathing heavily, her mind still contemplating what just happened. She actually flew from the third store, over the fence and into the woods. She wanted to raise her fists in the air and scream a loud WooooHoooo but there was no time for that. The danger was still imminent. So, instead of acting like an 8 year girl, she turned to the rider next to her.
"Follow me"
She had no idea whether he will obey her command or not. There was no time to waste. Nadia leaned forward and pinned the gas disappearing between the pine trees, searching the cover of the thick forest. The loud roar of the engine behind her gave her the answer. She knew these lands like the palm of her hand, and that was their advantage. Probably the only one they had. And they had to use it if they wanted to make it out alive.
The helicopter was still above them, the beam of light searching the woods. She turned off the lights and slowed down, her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. This way, they will be harder to spot. Her grey eyes glanced in the review mirror to make sure the Sapphire followed her lead. He did. Nadia hoped that, if they proved too hard to find, the Forces will give up, and focus their effort on capturing easier targets. She hoped she was right. Otherwise, she was leading them straight to her secret layer.
The phrasing of her mind made her smile. Secret layer. Yes, because you are criminal mastermind now, Nadia.
After some time, she couldn't say how much, it could have been a minute or an hour, the sound of the helicopter became more distant. Then, it completely disappeared.
Her senses still alert, she allowed herself only a glimpse of relief. They still weren't safe: they still have to make their way out of the woods and into the city. And that will be a challenge for itself.
The small, old wooden cabin appeared in front of them and Nadia stopped in front of the hut, hoping that her companion won't notice the convertible hiding in the shadows of the trees. Still on her bike, she touched the screen and, recognizing her palm, the door of the hut opened. She drove inside with the Sapphire on her heels. She hopped off her bike and turned to face him, the helmet still shielding her identity.
He stood next to his own ride, leaning on it casually, as if they have not just outrun the freaking Armed Forces of Padora!
"So this is where the little birdie hides" he spoke, the ever playful tone coloring his voice.
Nadia rolled her eyes.
Now what, genius criminal mastermind? She thought to herself. She couldn't just hop in in her car and drive him to the city with her, because, well... a lot of things. But she couldn't just leave him alone here either, nor could she just tell him to get lost. It was still dangerous outside: The Forces lost their trail in the forest, but they could still be out there, lurking, hunting...