When the masks fall, where will her allegiance lie?
The Big War destroyed everything. The Wall is the only thing protecting them from the evils of the world. At least, that is what they tell them...
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She undid her bun. The moonlight painted silver streaks in her hair that danced and tangled in the summer wind. She rested her head on the leather seat of her convertible as she made her way through the dense traffic, passing the cars from both left and right. A number of army trucks passed by in the opposite direction, surely heading towards the Presidential Mansion. Just before she reached the border between the two Circles, she made a sharp right turn and headed down the dirt road that lead to the forest, leaving a cloud of dust behind her. She slowed down and switched her lights only to position. She knew the road so well she could probably make it in the pitch dark, but she was short on time and needed to make it to her goal destination as fast as she could. After some 15minutes driving through the forest, Nadia came to an abrupt stop. In front of her was an old house, which, before the War, server probably as a getaway home from the city life to some family. Now, it stood forgotten, the wood swollen and smelling foul from the rains. Moss and ivy covered most of the house. A swinging chair still stood on the porch, empty. Next to the house there was a small hut and Nadia made her way straight to it. She fished out a set of keys from her purse and opened the lock with a loud click. She entered the hut and turned on the light on her left side. The inside of the hut stood at a strong contrast with the outside. The neon lights shone brightly on the freshly painted, white walls. To her right side was a walk in closet that opened with a touch and what appeared to be a small work shop was on the left side of the room, the tools shattered everywhere. In the middle of the room stood an object, covered with black fabric. It was Nadia's most cherished possession. She approached it in just a few long steps and removed the fabric, revealing a beautiful, pitch-black racing motorcycle. Nadia ran her hands caringly along the smooth black surface a small smile forming in the corners of her lips. Hi baby. I've missed you. Then she opened the closet which contained a number of biker suits, pants, jackets, every single one of them matching the color of the bike. Beneath them, neatly placed, were 5 pairs of black racing boots. A few helmets stood in the left corner, and above them hanged a dozen black wigs. Quickly, Nadia slipped out of her long silver dress and reached for the suite that was closest to her, grabbing a random pair of boots and a helmet. She was in too much of a hurry to bother with a wig tonight, so she tied her hair in tight pony tail, threw on the helmet and jumped on her bike, racing out of the hut, deeper in the woods.
As she maneuvered expertly through the trees on a dirt road she knew like the palm of her hand she let her mind wander.
It's been a year since she joined the forbidden and extremely dangerous Daredevil races. Taking part in these races will earn you a death sentence if you get caught or at least a lifetime in prison. A moment of hesitation, lack of concentration or distraction in the race could also earn you a one way ticket to the morgue. For these reasons the races were highly secretive. Nadia's ticket in was Pjotr. One day, while in his studio, she came across a beautifully designed biker suite. It was deep blue, the color of the midnight sky with subtle, slightly darker wave pattern only visible from a close. On its back a picture of a woman with silver hair splattered all around her face, as if she was floating in the water. Her eyes were piercing blue and her lips curved in a mysterious smile. She was beautiful. She knew right away that this wasn't just some random suit. It was designed for him, the Sapphire Rider. Just like everyone else, Nadia heard about the Daredevil Races before, and the urban legend, the Sapphire Rider. Loving the speed as much as she did, she was always curious about the races, so when she found out her best friend had connections, she wasn't just going to let it go. It took her some time and persuasion, and just after she demonstrated Pjotr her abilities with a bike did he accept to get her a place in one of the qualifying races. The rest was history.
-These people are not so fond of the Firsts. – Pjotr warned her. – And that is an understatement. So, you must be extra careful not to reveal your identity to them. The fact that you are a kind of royalty and that every single person knows what you look and sound like, means we have to be extra careful. – He was pacing up and down his studio - You are not to speak a word, do you understand?
She nodded.
-Will you design me a costume?
He rolled his eyes. –Who else? Let's think... So, you are known as the white, silvery princess of Padora. So, we go the opposite.
-What, gold? I am not wearing a golden suite! – she protested with a frown.
-What do you take me for, an idiot? A golden suite? Yuck! As if! No. Black. Pitch black. Everything. Your bike. Your suite. Your helmet, boots, hair. No decorations. Simple, elegant, black.
-Hair? I am not dying my hair black.
-Of course you're not, stupid. That's why we'll use wigs. An extra precaution.
-Next thing I know, you'll make me wear a fake nose.
Pjotr laughed.
-If your helmet comes off, no amount of prosthetic could hide your identity. You have to be extra careful Nadia, promise me. – his tone was worried, serious. The girl nodded.
-We'll also need an alias. Black Widow? The Night Rider?
Nadia looked out of the window to the sky. A flock of birds was flying high above them, heading in the direction of the Wall.
-Raven. – she said and smiled. Finally, she will escape her cage.