When the masks fall, where will her allegiance lie?
The Big War destroyed everything. The Wall is the only thing protecting them from the evils of the world. At least, that is what they tell them...
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She heard them before she saw them: like caged beasts that are about to be set free, their wild roars found her through the pine trees. Instinctively, Nadia sped up, enjoying the sound of her own beast roaring, leaving a cloud of dust behind her as she made her last turn.
Tall wire fence rose before her, the gate guarded by a dozen men dressed in all black military attire, their faces hidden behind the masks. Only their eyes were visible, but in the pitch dark, Nadia couldn't distinguish their color. She came to a stop and one of the guards walked up to her.
-Password. - he spoke dryly.
-Raven. - Nadia replied and the man nodded.
-Clear. - his words were followed by the screeching sound of the old fence opening and Nadia's bike roared again, speeding past them.
The wire fence was probably the only part of the property that was still functional. It was maintained from time to time, Nadia assumed, in order to keep people out of the old factory grounds. Behind the fence rose a 7 floor concrete giant that was once a factory hall. Part of it was in ruins, blocks of concrete, steel and wires pilled over each other. It was a miracle that most of the building even survived the bombs and was still towering among the pines. Most of the windows were smashed and black from coal, smoke and time. The road from the gate lead to the huge double iron doors that stood open revealing the factory's ground hall that was now lit by the fire and headlights. Nadia stopped before entering. She let the anticipation flash over her, speeding up her heart rate and bringing a smile to her face. As magnificent as the factory building was, the true treasure lay behind the concrete structure: miles and miles of open land intertwined with roads, hangars and ruins. She knew that some additional barricades and obstacles were placed there for tonight's purpose. The Factory was one of Nadia's favorite Daredevil Race tracks: it required exceptional skills of balance and speed control. It wasn't just about speed here, but about intelligence. It was one of, if not, the most challenging track.
She took another deep breath,before leaving the last pieces of Nadia behind her as she drove past the double iron doors that reeked of rust. The ground hall was just as she remembered it: a huge opened high-sealinged space, the sealing supported by rows of large concrete pillars. The fire she noticed before was burning in bins placed to form a kind of a road that led to a freshly painted red line in the middle of the hall. She drove steadily and smoothly to it, not making a scene out of her entrance like most of the riders did. She did a quick count. There were 9 of them in the hall, including her. Three of them were chatting in the left corner of the building - a woman with a silver bike and a white suit was explaining something to two other riders. She recognized one of them: a rider dressed in a black suite with a large yellow snake twirling around his torso, snake's head painted on his chest. The Viper. He was the one to watch tonight. Other riders were scattered around the hall, some of them chatting, others checking their bikes and gear. Nadia stopped at the red line and stared ahead at another pair of rusty double doors, these one closed.
She could hear the crowd that gathered outside. For an illegal, secret event Daredevil Races sure attracted quite a crowd. And they were loud tonight. It made her heart pump faster.
She didn't have to turn around to know he has arrived. She would have recognized the sound of his bike anywhere. He came in full speed through the iron gates and just a few seconds later the loud screeching sound of the tires and a smell of burning rubber filled the space as the Sapphire Rider came to an abrupt stop to her left side. Even though Nadia was still facing the closed gate in front of her, she knew he was starring straight at her, just like he always did. She already got used to this trick of his. It was a way to get under his opponents skin, to play with his mind. It didn't work on Nadia, however. His bike roared loudly and he leaned closer to her.
-Ready to fly little Raven?- he almost whispered, his voice husky and low.
She couldn't see, but Nadia would bet all her fortune that he was smirking behind his blue helmet.
Her silence made him chuckle. It was a deep, entertaining chuckle and if he wasn't trying to get into her head right now, she might have found it attractive. That wasn't the case. Especially tonight, when a slightest error in judgment could cost her her life. She won't be distracted.
-Still the silent treatment? You break my poor tender heart.
Nadia rolled her eyes.
- You know, other riders think that you might be a mute. - that made him laugh. - I think it's bullshit. You can sing little Raven, can't you?
Oh, I can sing. You'll hear the song of my bike when I leave you in the cloud of dirt tonight.
She kept her words to herself and offered the Sapphire rider the one answer he always got from her: silence. Instead she focused on what she might face tonight. Burning cans indicated that there will be some fire. Good. She liked that.
-Which makes me wonder... Why don't you? Sing, I mean.
Just keep on wandering, Sapphire. That's kind of a point. She needs to be weary of wires - last time she tore her suit on one and had to hide a cut for two weeks.
-What are you hiding, little black birdie?
Oh, nothing much. Just my identity, idiot! Oil spills, also. They will be damn hard to spot in this terrain. Not much light tonight.
Her silence made him laugh again. How was he so unbothered with what they are about to face tonight?
-No matter. I will make you sing one day pretty Raven.
Keep on dreaming!
The double doors opened and cheers and shouts filled the factory's ground hall. A tall muscular man with a bull helmet and goggles walked in. His black jeans hang loosely on his hips, his upper body covered with tattoos. He didn't bother to wear a shirt tonight.
-Okay, riders on your marks. - he shouted in a low, manly voice.
Sound of engines and tires surrounded her. She noticed the Viper stopping on her right, fixing his helmet.
-First the rules. It's simple. Follow the neon paint. Finish the race or die trying.
The crowd went wild. Adrenaline pulsed through Nadia's bloodstream. This is it.
-Any quiestions? No. Good.
-Try to keep up little birdie - the Sapphire teased her one last time, but she paid him no attention. This is it. This is what she lived for.
Laud roars of engines deafened Nadia. She leaned forward and whispered to her black bike Okay, baby, let's do this. Just you and me.
-On your marks! Ready!- The Bull was shouting now.
Roars became louder. Nadia made her own beast join in. The air was electric.
Smoke rose all around them. The back wheel wanted to dance left and right, but her expert hands controlled the bike. She leaned forward, eyes fixed on the neon mark in front of her.