|| Glitched ||

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Small Rant

Someone just bashed me for making Gotta Sweep a male—?

A light moan slipped out of Filename2's mouth as the Janitor rolled his tongue lazily around his dick.

"Do you like that?" Gotta Sweep murmurs, his green eyes flashing slightly and reflecting the lust that was in Filename2's eyes.

Filename2 could only nod, breathless from the pleasure as Gotta Sweep continues his assault on the Member, swirling his tongue around it before engulfing it.

The two have been in a secret relationship together for a while now, and today was their first time having sex. The two were taking it slow, embracing every second they had together- which was rare since Baldi always spent his time in his classroom. There was a player on the loose, however, and it seemed like Baldi was struggling to even find them. So, they're taking the chance to have a bit of fun.

"Why do you always spend time in my classroom?"
Baldi asked as Gotta Sweep passed him in the halls.

"Eh-? Why do you ask?" The Janitor asks, tilting his head.

"Well, Filename2 is always in there as well? I don't want him hurting you, since he is... kinda a glitch." Baldi pursed his lips. "Prince would kill me if he found you dead. You're our best Janitor."

Gotta Sweep correctes him. "Our only Janitor."

Baldi Laughed. "Which makes you three times more valuable. Speaking of which, where's Arts and Crafters? Have you two spoken to each other?"

The Janitor shifts onto his heels. "We have indeed. He has feelings for me, which I don't return."

The Math Teacher arched a brow. "Do you have feelings for anyone?"

"N-no, I prefer to stay single." Gotta Sweep stammered. "Agh, I'm getting late, got to go, Baldi!" He left quickly, leaving Baldi behind.

"Be careful, love." Filename2 cooed as Gotta Sweep choked. "Take what you can handle."

The Janitor pulled away and looked up, his eyes gleaming. "I can take you."

"Both ways?" Filename2's eyes sparkled.

Gotta Sweep blushed darkly and nods, standing up and laying on the desks that have been pushed together to create a bed like object for them. Filename2 licked his lips and leaned down, nipping and sucking the Janitor's neck.

"No marks." Gotta Sweep half heartedly warned, closing his eyes. That earned a groan and whine from the glitch, but he obliged. Filename2 gently traced Gotta Sweep's entrance with a finger, earning a high pitched squeak from the Janitor.

"Beautiful." Filename2 pulled away from his throat to look into Sweep's eyes, sliding a finger inside. "Moan for me, would you?"

"I can't be too loud." Gotta Sweep Warned weakly. "We don't want people hearing us."

Filename2 nods, pumping two fingers into the male. Gotta Sweep pursed his lips, trying desperately to hold back his gasps of pleasure. Then, he felt Filename2 withdraw, and was replaced by something much bigger.

"I-is that going to fit?" Gotta Sweep stammered, trying to spread his legs more for Filename2 to access.

"Of course, dear. Remember, tell me when to stop if it gets too much." Filename2 murmurs, before slowly thrusting into the writhing body beneath him.

Gotta Sweep clenched his jaw in pain, arching his back. Filename2 paused, but Sweep glanced at him. "Keep going."

"Are you sure? You're in pain."

"I'm fine. Just go all the way."

Filename2 didn't want to hold back, and he quickly thrusted into the Janitor. Gotta Sweep couldn't help but scream in pain, covering his mouth quickly.

Filename2 rubbed soothing circles into the Janitor's back, kissing around his lips and jaw to help. Gotta Sweep closes his eyes, shivering slightly. It was starting to feel a bit better now, though it still burned.

"Move." Sweep murmurs.

"Are you sure? You still look like you're in pain." Filename2 Muttered, kissing his lips deeply.

Gotta Sweep could only nod, gently raising his hips for Filename2 to thrust into. Filename2 proceeded to thrust into Gotta Sweep, growling slightly with pleasure as the Janitor moaned softly.

Filename2 gently grasped Gotta Sweep's hips, thrusting forward. Sweep was happy that the glitch was holding back. Filename2 allowed himself to toughen up his thrusts and grip, biting Gotta Sweep's shoulder.

"N-no marks." Gotta Sweep managed to say.

"As if the Principal's going to give you a sleeveless uniform or ask you to look at your shoulders." Muttered Filename2, gently kissing the bitemark as an apology. He went harder, the Janitor gripping the desks tightly.

Filename2 steadily felt himself ready to cum, and he did, coming deep inside the man. Gotta Sweep Came all over Filename2's stomach with a sharp cry.

The two tried to catch their breaths , then...

"Gotta Sweep, Filename2? What's going on in there?"


Gotta Sweep straightens. "O-one moment, Baldi! File, pull out!" Added the Janitor in a soft hiss.

Filename2 tried to pull out, but whimpered. "S-Sweep, I must have glitched. I can't pull out."

"You're joking." Sweep's heart fell. "F-File, come on!" He tried to get Filename2 to pull out, but Sharp pains flared through his back. Damnit, he glitched! Oh God...

"Sweep? File?" Baldi sounded worried. "Should I come in?"

"We need to tell Baldi." Filename2 spat at Sweep. "He knows how to deal with my glitches."

Sweep glared at him. "No! We can't tell him! He'll find out about us!"

Filename2's gaze softened, and he gently kissed Gotta Sweep. "They're going to find out eventually." He murmurs. "Come on, beautiful. For me?"

Gotta Sweep stared at Filename2 with wide eyes, then closed his eyes. "Come I-in, Baldi."

The door opened, and a clatter met the ground. Baldi stood with his ruler on the floor. "Oh my..."

"I glitched." Filename2 Mumbled. "And Now I'm stuck."

"So.. you and Sweep..."

"We're a Thing." Gotta Sweep Groaned, covering his face. "Now help us out!"

Baldi blinked and walked over. "Alright, Let me help you with that glitch. Where's the glitch?"

"..." Filename2 blushed darkly.

Baldi stuttered, before sighing. "Alright, your glitch is in your dick. This is probably going to take a while..."

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