Chapter One

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Nina Dobrev as Violet Dyer ^^^


"Violet! Where the fuck are you?" I could hear my mum yell from the kitchen, evident anger laced in her voice." I have to leave for work in five minutes, do not make me late." She threatens after I don't reply within a few minutes.

"Coming now, I was just in the bathroom." I lie glibly, not wanting to confess to her that I had fallen asleep by mistake. Frantically grabbing my denim jacket from off my dishevelled bed, I swing my backpack over my shoulders and run to the kitchen.

Grabbing a slightly bruised apple, I look up to see my mum examining my face intently. "I love you, honey. You know that, right?" She sweetly said, her mouth twisting into a foreign shape. A smile. "You just sometimes bring out a bad side of me." She says defensively, moving her hand towards my face, inadvertently causing me to flinch just before she places it on my cheek gently.

Relaxing my shoulders, I let myself reluctantly return the smile. "I love you too," I tell her before adding nervously, "should we head off? I don't want to be the reason you're late for work."

As if a switch went off in her head, her face went back to being cold and neutral. "Right, I almost forgot how long you took to get down here. We have to leave now, otherwise, you're walking to school."

I quickly nod my head, glancing uneasily out the window and shuddering involuntarily at the relentless rain that was pouring down outside. Following her to the garage, I toss the apple core into the overflowing bin and slide into the passenger seat. Moving my hand towards a dial to put on some music, my mum swiftly slaps my hand down.

"You know the rules, Violet." My mother spat out. "Music is allowed when you don't almost make me late." She shot me a harsh glare as she pulls out onto the dreary street we lived on.

"Now, I won't be home until late tonight. So, see if Maxine can give you a lift." She explains to me, not bothering to glance at me.

Slowly chewing my manicured nail, I respond, "Okay, sure thing mum." As soon as she glanced back at me, she rips my hand away from my mouth, gripping my wrist.

"How many times do I have to tell you this?" She hisses at me. "That is a disgusting habit." Her crushing grip still had not left my wrist; she had actually tightened it.

Ignoring the terrible pain in my wrist, I apologise to her and tell her that it would never happen again. After a few seconds, she let go. "I am just trying to help you, sweetheart." She explains softly, flashing me a condescending smile.

Pulling into the school carpark, she didn't utter a word to me. Not even as I got out. Putting my backpack on, I watch as she quickly sped off. Moving my hand up to my mouth, I quickly stop myself and put my hand in my jacket pocket.

"Vi!" I could hear a perky voice yell behind me. Snapping my head around, I spot my best friend Maxine running towards me. Her blonde ponytail bouncing up and down behind her.

"Hey, Max!" I reply, wrapping my arms tightly around her. "Guess what!"

Furrowing her eyebrows for a moment as she thought carefully before snapping her fingers. "You're dropping out of school and becoming a stripper?" She guesses, a smile spreading across her face.

"I wish." Gently letting out a light laugh, I shake my head. "No, my mum is out late tonight, so looks like we need to get our fake IDs out and hit up that new club." I inform her, a mischievous smirk making its way on to my face as her eyes light up with excitement.

"Holy shit! Definitely! My day has now been made ten times better!" She squeals, doing a little dance as we head to our lockers.

Spinning my combination into my lock, I promptly open up my locker, instantly throwing my bag into it and fishing out the books that I needed for class. "Okay, so come to mine at around 7 pm and we'll get ready? Then leave for the club at 9 pm?" I suggest as I close my locker.

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