Chapter Two

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Matthew 'Daddy'ario as Jackson Bran ^^^

"Are you serious?" I laugh, looking around, trying to find hidden cameras. "This has got to be some big prank because I would know if Natasha Dyer was not my mother." I glance up at Detective Lorla and was instantly met with eyes full of sympathy.

"Your fingerprints are undoubtedly a successful match. When Abigail Bran disappeared, we took a photo of her to our tech lab; they used her distinctive features as well her families features to generate an image of what she would look like at eighteen." The detective explains to me as she carefully pulls a piece of paper out of the file next to her. "This is the photo they created."

Glancing cautiously at the created image, my mouth instantly went dry. While the created image wasn't a dead ringer for me, it looked a lot like me. My eyes were the same shape, so was my mouth and nose. This has got to be a joke. I thought carefully to myself, not being able to tear my eyes away from the photo.

Detective Lorla clears her throat, intentionally causing my discerning eyes to snap up to focus on her. "We contacted your biological parents. They are on their way." She promptly informs me, carefully slipping the image back into the file. "I know this is a great deal to take in Violet, but the woman you thought was your mother, is really your abductor. We are currently trying to find her, however, we have been unable to reach her."

"So, what do I do now?" I cautiously ask the detective. "Do I go back to where I've been living? What about school? I'm in my senior year." Fighting back tears, I try to think about everything I need to consider. A sudden, loud thought popped into my head. Maxine. "Does Maxine know?" Detective Lorla gently shakes her head.

"Currently, this is still an ongoing investigation. While you have been found, we still need to find your abductor. We don't want anyone from your previous life to know valuable information regarding the case as they may have ties to Natasha." She gently explains to me. "As far as your living conditions go, your biological parents, Monica and Leon Bran, have naturally expressed their desire for you to go home with them. Due to their house being out of the schooling zone for your previous school, you will be enrolled in the school where they live." Detective Lorla continued explaining to me.

I took in a deep breath as I properly registered everything. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as footsteps neared, a man in a police uniform cautiously into the holding cell. "Mr and Mrs Bran are here." He informs us before quickly leaving.

Detective Lorla stands up and heads to the door, instructing me to do so too. She then proceeds to lead me down the hall. I could feel my heart beating rapidly. What if they don't like me. This thought was repeating on a constant loop in my head as we approached the end of the hall. What if I'm too damaged.

As we reached the end of the hall, Detective Lorla swiftly faced the door on the right and opened it for me. I slowly walk inside. Inside there were three people. The police officer who brought Maxine and me to the station, as well as a man and women who sat next to him at a table. When they heard the sound of my heels hitting the ground, their heads spun around.

"Abi?" The women gasps as her hand flies over her mouth. "Leon, it's our baby girl." She exclaims to her husband, gripping onto his sleeve as tears fell from her eyes.

I said nothing. I didn't know what to say. These people were strangers to me. Although something about them was familiar. I raise my hand to my mouth and slowly chewed on my nail, unsure as what to do. Realising what I was doing, I rip my hand from my mouth. That is a disgusting habit. I mentally reprimand myself.

Suddenly, the woman strode towards me and encase me in her arms, causing me to noticeably flinch. It took me a while to realise what was going on. My mothe- abducto- Natasha, had occasinally hugged me when I was younger before her mind deteriorated, although that was years ago. A hug almost seemed foreign to me.

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