Chapter Five

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Waking up, I feel a throbbing pain in my head. Trying to ignore the continuous pain, I reluctantly pull myself out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom. Looking thoughtfully in the mirror, I carefully analyse the state of my tired face. My eye makeup had smudged overnight and there were streaks in my foundation, there was also a stray fake eyelash on stuck on my cheek. Carefully peeling it off, I instantly threw it in the trash and wash my face.

I guess my years of drinking hasn't improved how my body deals with the aftermath of it, I mentally muse to myself as I pull a bottle of aspirin from underneath the sink. Popping a couple of pills into my mouth, I scoop some water from the tap into my hands and drink it, swallowing the tablets as well.

Throwing my brown hair into a messy bun as I stroll back into the room, I strip off the top I wore the previous night, step into a pair of sweatpants and throw on a plain blue shirt.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I lean over and snatch my phone from the bedside table. Switching it on, I'm bombarded with messages from Maxine. Fuck.

I hadn't spoken to her since the night we both got busted. I had meant to message her, but I just kept forgetting with everything that's been happening.

Swiping my manicured fingers across the illuminated screen, I quickly sent a text that told her to meet me at a cafe we always go to and I'd explain everything.

Since I was actually leaving the house now, I peeled off the comfy sweatpants and pulled on a pair of black jeans. Quickly pairing them with white converses, I grabbed my phone and purse before rushing downstairs.

Spotting Monica in the kitchen, I slowly walk towards her, a smile planted on my face. "Hey, Monica, would you be able to drive me somewhere?" I beg her.

Natasha never let me get my license, she thought it would give me too much freedom and that I should earn it. She believed that I hadn't earned it in the 2 years since I was able to legally get it, so I can't drive yet.

Monica looked slightly reluctant, clearly debating on what to say. After a moment, she finally responds. "Of course, where did you need to go?" She asks me, taking a sip of the tea she held.

"I wanted to see my best friend Maxine. She's been really worried, and I just really miss her." I explain to her, a pleading look crossing my face as I do so.

Monica's reluctant look returns, but she slowly agrees. "Okay, when did you want to go?" She asks me, taking the teabag out of her blue mug and dropping it into the bin.

"As soon as possible." I promptly reply, an excited look taking over my face as I give her a quick hug.


"This is close to where you lived?" Monica slowly asks me as we arrive at the café.

Glancing at her for a moment, "Yeah, Maxine and I came here every day after school. Why?" I ask her, tilting my head as I study her.

"You've lived twenty minutes away from me this whole time..." She quietly says, more to herself than to me. Feeling my throat tighten as I watch a tear roll down her cheek, I place a hand on her shoulder. Rubbing it soothingly.

"I'm sorry." I quietly return, shifting uncomfortably in the leather seat.

Monica quickly snaps her head around and faces me. "It is not your fault. None of this is your fault." She reminds me, forcing a smile onto her face.

Slowly nodding my head, I excuse myself and leave the car, walking towards the café. When I get inside, I immediately walk to Maxine and my usual booth and take a seat on the bright red leather. Studying the menu, I absentmindedly bite the nail on my thumb.

Moments later, I hear a squeak and raise my head from the laminated menu. My gaze meeting Max's, a huge smile was released onto my mouth as reach over and hold her hand.

"Max. I am so happy to see you." I exclaim, squeezing her hand gently.

Max sends me a weak smile and returns the squeeze. "What happened to you, Violet?" I hear her ask me, concern laced in her light voice. "You just disappeared..." I could hear her voice begin to crack, and I suddenly feel a wave of guilt crash over me.

"I am so sorry Max. Some freaky stuff happened Friday night and... I just didn't know how to handle it." I try to explain, gnawing on my nail nervously. Glancing up at Maxine, there was a strong level of concern written all over your face.

"What happened? What was so bad that you couldn't talk to me?" She quietly muttered, playing with her sleeve. "We tell each other everything."

Taking a deep breath, I tear my hand away from my mouth and sit on my hands to keep myself from biting my nails. "I found out that I was abducted when I was younger. Natasha isn't my real mother." I told her slowly, feeling a few stray tears slipping down my cheeks.

I looked down for a moment, before glancing up to study Max's face. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her mouth was slightly opened as her eyes were locked onto my face. "Are you serious?" I heard her whisper, as if this conversation couldn't be overheard.

I nodded my head slowly as I gnawed on my lower lip, trying to hold in the tears. "I've been staying with my real family. They're actually great." I opened up to her, furiously running my hands through my hair as I try to calm myself.

Sympathy. That's the dominant emotion written all over Maxine's face. "So, what's the problem?" She asked me eventually. My head shot up, my eyes locking with her as my eyebrows knitted together.

"What do you mean?" I asked her in a hushed tone. I slumped back in the tacky, red seat.

Maxine reached over and encased my hands in hers. "I can tell that something is eating away at you. Yes, you have this new family and you say they're great. I'm sure that's true, but I know you. I know when something isn't completely great with you." She reveals, still holding onto my hands in an attempt to comfort me. It's working.

I let out a deep breath as I nod my head, "You're right." I admitted. "I am so fucking scared. Natasha was a monster. She made sure that I couldn't feel safe with anyone. I believed she was my mother and when she tormented me, I believed that that was okay. Purely because she was my mother, or at least I thought she was. I'm scared I will be too damaged. I'm scared that if I truly open up to them, I'll be shut down."

Maxine closes her eyes for a moment. When she opens them again, I notice that they are brimmed with unshed tears. "You are an amazingly strong person, Violet. You have been to hell and back and you are still the pure and caring girl I met in fifth grade. Your real family will love you and will just be thrilled to have you back in their lives." Max reassured me as she squeezes my hands.


On the drive back to the house, Monica and I didn't speak much. She briefly asked how it was, but that was pretty much it. The air was filled with an uncomfortable tension that not even a machete could've cut.

When we parked outside the house, Monica turns off the engine and faces me. "Tomorrow after school, we will be going to family therapy." She tells me, uncertainty plaguing her voice. "They said that it would help with adjusting to everything. You will also have solo sessions with the therapist." Monica quickly adds.

Nodding my head, I look outside the window. Great. I just can't seem to escape talking about my past. I mentally muse to myself.


I am sorry for such a boring and short chapter. I promise that I am building up to something that is much more exciting!!!

Maxine will also become more of a regular in the book as well

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