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Hey guys this is my first time writing a story so forgive me for my incompetence and mistakes, anyways hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter 1
Errors POV

It was a day like no other or so I thought....I went out to destroy another AU , when ink came to stop me like always. We prepared for yet another battle as I prepared my strings Ink prepared his brush, soon both of us looking at each with hatred we begin the fight. Ink took the first strike he tried to hit me with his paint but I quickly dodged it. I shot my strings at ink but he dodged my attack as well. He then began to shoot paint as I kept trying to entangle him in my strings. I had finally entangled him then all of a sudden he turned in a puddle of ink teleporting right behind me he hit my back with paint. I turned around feeling a certain pain going up my spine but I pushed through the pain and entangled ink once more but this time before he could teleport his way out I sent a shock of electricity up my strings causing in to scream in pain. I impaled him with my bones I had summoned and he fell to the ground as soon as I let him go but little did I know that I was going to regret letting him go........

End of chapter 1 sorry I had to cut it a little short for this chapter. But in the second chapter we will see inks POV as well as errors POV

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