Were coming

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So that's chapter was a little down anyways let's see what nightmare and his gang have to say about this and what their next action will be!

Nightmares POV
Error...you idiot why did you leave if you knew you weren't going to survive...why...I'm not going to let you kill yourself because you want us to be safe.I'm going to find and bring you back to we're you belong.

Killers POV
Why...please.....you were my BEST FRIEND...don't leave...I....can't...not...again. I need you to come back Error please I need you we all need you please....PLEASE!  -sobs- please come back!

Narrators POV
This affected everyone killer couldn't stop crying, nightmare locked himself in his room and once in a while you could hear his screams of sorrow all over the castle,horror felt bad yet sad he had lost his savior while Cross was crying and sobbing becuase Error was also his best friend and dust well he took it the worst his face went place and his eyes emotionless while he was wearing a insane smile....he was going to kill the person who hated Error.

Error POV
I was in outertale looking at the stars wondering wear the person who hurt Horror could be then I realized it was the star sans all along so I went into and AU sultry ink and his team wouldn't  come and find me. I was right they came when I entered underswap they look at me with disgust while I looked at them with hate I was going to kill one of them for hurting Horror I was going to kill...blue (they were friends not anymore since blue was the one who hurt Horror) he was no longer friend to me but an enemy I wanted him dead so i teleported behind him to my summoned bone when I impaled his arm with the bone he screamed in pain and I started laughing as I took my string and pinned dream and ink down. I look at blue and he looked at me,his eyes sad yet accepting his fate I stabbed him again and he screamed again...before I could kill him he said " just know I didn't do it to hurt you...I did it for YOU" I stared at him with disgust and let him live he deserves to live with his sins..he got up and looked at me with shock he came close to me and tried to hug me but I backed away and looked at him with distrust and said " I might have let you live but that doesn't mean we're friends...you lost that privilege when you hurt my friend!" Then I turned around made a portal and left him there crying and I untied both dream and ink.

Narrators POV
After Error left blue crying he untied dream and ink they got close to blue to comfort him but blue looked at them with hate and said " THIS IS ALL YOU FAULT!.....YOU MADE ME HURT HORROR AND NOW ERROR HATES ME ALL BECAUSE I WAS DOING LIKE YOU GUYS ASKED! I LOST MY BEST FRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS!" and with that being said blue got up wiped his eyes and teleported back to his home. Meanwhile Error hwas in the anti-voId crying and screaming,his screams echoing as the anti-void was empty he sober it because his best friend betrayed him and hurt the people who took him in to be part of their gang

Errors POV
Why....WHY!.... I thought I could trust you I let you have my trust and you betrayed me! Why I thought you were my friend I thought you were different that you could truly be different...I WAS WRONG! I took out my string and made a thick chain I started to wrap the chain around my arms and legs... so I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone but my strings started to get tighter around my body cutting of my oxygen It was getting so tight I couldn't breath and the voices...they were screaming at me and telling me how stupid and useless I am...I couldn't do anything...felt my body shake and i felt my body get colder i tried to break out but my string only got tighter and soon they wrapped around my SOUL I started to laugh I was laughing hysterically..finally I can rest this is my END! HaHaHaAhAHahHaha

Nightmares POV
ERROR!.....I felt his negatively grow he was going insane his soul filled with insanity,anger,depression and disgust...his soul was bearing faintly I could hear it as his soul was slowing down slowly...HE DYING!
No I won't let you die! I called the gang and told them that error is dying is soul giving up slowly they all got this shocked look but then I turned into a look of DETERMINATION they got their weapons out and followed me ready to save Error. When we walked into the anti-void Error was their laughing hysterically is body shaking he seemed paler and he had tears down his eyes...this wasn't error..it was something deep within him that made him lose control...his magic betraying him ready to finally kill the god of destruction and the destroyer....ready for this FATE....no I won't let you take him he's ours now not yours! I ran to him his chains getting tighter around his body....his bones started cracking and blood seeping through his clothes his soul getting weaker I pulled the chains off his arms then his legs but they only wrapped tighter around his soul I couldn't get them off...so I used my tentacles to try and rip them off but nothing budged instead they only got tighter.

Narrators POV
nightmare kept trying to free errors soul but their was no budge then the gang used their magic along with nightmare to rip the chain off Error soul it took almost all their magic to get the chains of Error soul....Error fell on the floor shaking glitching like never before and he was coughing out his own blood it came out seeking through his eye sockets his nose and mouth and he gasped wanting to breathe...Error didn't want to die,on the contrary he wanted to live as he gasped for air still crying and blood falling along with it his body trembling his fingers clutching the floor... the poor destroyer was on his knees coughing up most of his blood crying and glitching, the gang saw him and they were all filled with rage,sadness and guilt as the destroyer crawled away unable to see due to his eye sight starting to glitch up. Killer walked up to Error places a hand on his shoulder Error startled backed up as his breathing started to quicken up,killer walked up to him and told him it was ok that it was only him and the gang.

Errors POV
"HoW cOuLd I tRuSt YoU...wHy ShouLd I BelIeVe yoU?!"  I said while glitching up really bad then I heard the other start to cry and I calmed down a little then I heard familiar sobbing...it was my best friend...kills Error neared the crying and his eyes started to clear up and he crawled towards the crying and he touched his best friend then he felt the familiar comfort then Error grabbed Killer and hugged him and said " kiLler itS realLy yoU...hahaHa...Please don't crY".

Narrators POV
Killer looked up at Error with a shocked expression and he saw as the destroyer cried and comforted him...Error recognized him and killer calmed himself and hugged Error then Error completely calmed down and got up carried Killer and turned around to see the gang then error's face lit up he felt safe and nightmares sensed his arua calm down it went back to normal then Error came up to the gang and hugged them and didn't glitchoncetwars streaming down his cheeks nightmare blushed and the rest of the gang was shocked Error was hugging them but hugged back as they felt safe in his arms.

Killers POV
Error had hugged me then picked me up then turned around to see the rest of the gang he smiled up in joy and walked over to them to hug them while tears escaped his eye sockets nightmare noticed him crying and wiped his tears away he smiled and made a portal for us..we all were walking towards the portal but error stayed behind we all noticed and told him to come...but he stayed as he started to cry and said he can't...he couldn't let us get hurt because of him. We walked over to him and comforted him and told him that he means a lot to us and that without him the gang wouldn't be the same then after 5 minutes of talking Error cheered up and agreed to come home with us.

Cross's POV
Error..he's coming home we comforted him until he agreed to come home then at home is when we asked him about the note confused angry and worried at the same time he sat at the couch to explain...he explained why he left and why he knew he was going to die..but we saved him..he said that he knew who attacked Horror it was..blue and he was with the star sanses and the rest of the sanses so he would go and kill blue for hurting his friend but he couldn't he felt sympathy for blue and let him go but told him that they were no longer friends. Then he walked into the anti-void and wears himself to prevent him on lashing out on anybody since he felt like he was out of control...but something went wrong as his string wrapped around his body tighter and then wrapped around his soul slowly but surely ready to kill him he gave up and let it happen as he was not in control..that when we came a saved him from his FATE.

Horror POV
Weir raked his life to avenge me?! Do I really mean that much to him...he doesn't even know most of us why does he care.. it's as if Error read my mind and he said " I care about you all you guys are my friends and some of you even my best friends so I would do anything for you guys including risk my life" we all stared at him in shock and Killer and Cross got up to hugs him while nightmare just stared in shock.

Nightmares POV
He cares about us? Even me ? I-i what is this feeling I feel it's weird and strange yet so familiar...why am I feeling like this now ? I've never felt like this before uh whatever I'll just ignore it

(Error) " well I think we should go to bed after the day we've had....night guys"

(Killer) " nighty night Error...imma go to bed now"

(Cross) " night guys I'm beat"

(Dust) " good night"

(Horror) "night"

(Nightmare) " stop saying night your practically calling my name!"

-end of chapter-
So guys this chapter was a little tense and it will only get more intense,sorry for any mistakes I really don't have time to correct them,also thanks for the 500 views means a lot love ya!

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