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Hi guys did you guys enjoy the cliffhanger ? Hope you did I sounded what's going to happen to Error now let's go and find out!

Errors POV
I felt scared... no I was terrified as I watched as my own strings wrap around my bones soon covering my entire body with my strings, they tightened around my body making it harder to breath...each breathe was a battle as the pain became excruciatingly painful. I groaned against the pain but when I tried to get up my own strings electroshocked me causing me to fall on my knees once again I winced in pain while the others skeletons could do nothing but watch as my own magic turned against me it betrayed me... no it wasn't my magic that betrayed me but my mind as the voices grew louder and louder so did the pain and soon it became almost impossible for me to breath and before I realized I was coughing up blood...my blood.

Nightmares POV
Me and my gang watched as the god of destruction fell onto his knees and groaned in pain and soon we all watched in horror as his own magic was attacking him, he looked terrified but he didn't scream or ask for help all he did was stare at the ground and felt with his pain by himself. Or was it because he had no friends to call for help? Was he really alone? Did he live in the anti-void all by himself? I was lost in my thoughts until... error coughed up blood soon there were streams of blood coming out of his mouth and eyes the stream of blood falling in a straight line covering his blue  lines that ran down his check. Instead of blue lines running down his checks it was blood red dark blood...

Errors POV
I soon realized that there was blood running down my cheeks and running out of my mouth I lifted up my shirt to find cracked ribs underneath my strings were killing me I took out my soul and saw as it started to crack as well so I did something I hadn't done in years and something I wish I never had to do again but sacrifices must be made...I summoned my bone and started cutting myself on my arms and soon I started cutting my ......soul as well.

Nightmares POV
I stood there with my gang in shock as I saw the god of destruction summoned his bone and started to cut himself first his arms then his soul...I understood why I felt his arua it was dark and negative so cutting himself would only cause him comfort instead of pain as he started to bleed we noticed the strings started to release him and he was able to see breath again, the bleeding trickling down from his cheeks stopped as well along with the blood that leaked from his mouth and his soul started to heal itself using string to stitch its injuries and healing back to permanent health soon the strings that were used to stitch the soul disappeared as the souls injuries were healed

Nightmares POV
I watched in complete amazement as his own soul started to heal itself...but his cuts on his arms did not I frowned when I was that his cut were still there in fact he had cutting marks all over his arms Error only breathed in and out and soon stood up and walked into the anti-void once again but we followed right behind.

End up of chapter 6
Hope you guys enjoyed
There's were some heavy content in their as Error suffers of depression he cuts himself but that dose mean all people with depression will resort to these types of things please if you are suffering from depression you are not alone you can talk to anyone you trust with your life or a friend you know who can help but don't push yourself away because you only end up getting my hurt in the end

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