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Chapter 2
Inks POV

As soon as error let me go I took the advantage and attacked him from the sides I slashed him with my purple paint causing him to temporarily lose his magic. I slashed him once again with my purple paint but this time I slashed his chest which caused error to let out a short but glitched scream.

(Error) f-FuCk Y0u .... yOu s-s-StUpID lIttLE S-sQuID!

(Ink) this is what you get for trying to destroy another of my creations!

(Error) HahAHahAhAhaHA....YoU CaLl ThaT StUpID AbOmiNAtiOn... A cReaTIoN!?


(Error) W-w-WhAtEVeR YoU sAy SqUid BoY

Errors POV

I distracted ink by getting him pissed while his paint that he slashed me with earlier was warring off. I soon felt my Magic's strength grow and spread all around my body...hahaha that stupid blob of ink thought his paint would stop me? What a fool I thought. Soon my magic was at it's full strength and I quickly summoned a gaster blaster and shot ink from behind. He screamed and collapsed onto the ground. I walked over and kneel down to see his face, but he attacked me and slashed me with his paint. I collapsed onto the ground Ink was about to slash me one last time when I summon a bone and lodge it in his arm he screamed from the pain and dropped his brush I quickly grab it with my strings and toss it as far away as possible I stand up and entangle him with my strings and I lodge a few more summoned bones into inks body, ink screams in pain I was about to knock him out when dream appears out of know where and starts to attack me. Two against one this is going to fun I said to myself.

End of chapter 2

So now things seem to be getting a little more complicated now that dream has entered the fight let's see what happens next shall we?!

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