Part of the gang

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Hi guys sorry I haven't written in a few days I just started school again and well it a big fuss. Anyways I am here to see what will happen in this chapter and clues or suggestions I am gladly open to and glad to take anyways on to the story!

Btw not my pic^^

Nightmares POV
"H-he....said yes ?!". Error had accepted the offer and joined our gang i-I couldn't believe it, I had the god of destruction join my gang. Once he accepted the offer me and my gang made sure to make him comfortable so we took him to my castle and gave him a room after we gave him a tour of the castle he thanked us and went into his room.

Errors POV
Nightmare had given me a tour along with the rest of his gang and soon afterwards they gave me a room of my own. I thanked them and went into my room, about 3 hours after Killer had come to pick me up we were having dinner.

Killers POV
Nightmare had sent me to pick up error to go eat dinner in a group to give him a small but friendly welcoming to the group. I had knocked on his door he didn't answer so I knocked again this time a little bit harder then the other after a few  seconds I heard rumbling inside the room and ,error opened the door soon afterwards.

(Error) " h-HeY...k-KiLlEr wHaT YoU doInG?"

(Killer) " were having dinner and I'm here so you could join us"

(Error) " uUmMm....kIlLeR."

(Killer) -interrupts Error- " no buts you have to come to eat dinner"

(Error) "b-bUt...."

(Killer) " what did I just say"

(Error) " o-oK iM cOmIng"

-they walk to the kitchen-

Nightmares POV
I can hear error and killer coming towards us so we get everything prepared and we sit down. By the time error and Killer got to the kitchen everything was already prepared. I look at the semi tall glitched skeleton he has a few Error signs all over his body he is a dark colored skeleton his cheeks has blue strips going down his cheeks his eye sockets are red while his pupil in his left eye is yellow blue and red and a little black dot in the middle of it while the right pupil is nothing but white he wears a similar outfit to classic except his hoodie is black while at the bottom it goes fading into the color blue his shorts are black with blue strips and his shirt is red and he wears black slippers while his finger tips on his hand are nice fused color such as yellow and blue and his smile seems to be fake just as well as classics.

Errors POV
I watch as the table is prepared everyone staring at me especially nightmare, he tells me to take a seat but before I do I tell him along with everyone in the room that I don't eat...well at least I don't need to eat it wasn't a thing I did in the void so I don't really have a liking to food. They all stared at me shocked mouth wide open, I told them I apologize for the trouble and start walking to my room when I feel a hand touch my hand once again but except this time I glitch not as much as the first time but I glitch that when I see Killer grabbing my hand I smile at him and he says " are you sure you don't want to stay?"
I told him that it would be best if I not and he looked somewhat disappointed so I told we could hand later if he wanted to but I just don't really want to stay for dinner. He understood and said that he would drop by my room to hang later and he walked away letting go of my hand.

Nightmares POV
Error told us he didn't eat which had us all shocked he apologized for he trouble and was about to leave when Killer took his hand and they talked killer came back after a few minutes and told us he didn't want to stay to eat so we all got our dinner and began to eat.

Killers POV
After I ate my dinner and finished up cleaning after myself I stopped by errors room so we could hang like he had suggested earlier, I knocked on his door  and I hear faint sobbing coming from his room I knock and his quickly comes out. When he opens the door he had wiped his face and smiled a fake smile but you could see his tear marks on his cheeks and I asked him what was wrong all he said was " n-NotHiN iM fiNe...wAnNa Go hAnG oR sOmeThInG?" I told him it was alright to trust me but he had doubts it seemed like the void had really affected this guy he seemed so closed off so uncomfortable around others so I decided to come his friend I wanted someone to trust with my life and my secrets and it seemed like he needed one too.

(Killer) " hey it's ok I don't judge I want to you want to be friends?".

(Error) "......"

(Error) " wHy WoUld yOu waNt to bE frIenDs wItH a GliTcH?"

(Killer) " your not a glitch your a skeleton with feelings you have to stop pushing yourself away your only hurting yourself more look I might not know you very well but I know that deep inside you, you're a good person no matter what people say or call you"

(Error) " t-ThanK you k-killeR"

(Killer) -surprised- " you didn't glitch as much"

(Error) " that's because I'm out of the voId and I haVe somE one tO trUst"

(Killer) -blushes a little-

(Error) -giggles-

-they go to outertale to look at the stars-

(Killer) " there beautiful"

(Error) "y-Yeah they ArE"

-1 hour later-

(Error) " wE should starT heading home"

(Killer) "yeah we should"

-killer gets up and so does error-

Narrators POV
Killer quickly kisses Error on the cheek and thanks him for the stars and for being his friend. Error blushes a lot and tells him no problem and they both walk through a portal and end up home. Errors blushing calms down and his face goes back to normal.

(Cross) " where were you two"

(Error) " hanGing ouT"

(Cross) -shocked- " your not glitching as much anymore"

(Error) " Yup and soOn I won't GliTcH at all since I'm Out of the voID"

(Cross) " that's great to hear Error"

(Dust) " so does that mean you will be able to talk normally then"

Dust came out of nowhere and startled Error,killer and cross.

(Error) " what the..... and yeaH I'll Be abLe to taLk normAl soon"

(Dust) " good"

Then they all go to the couch to hang out until nightmare comes screaming in the top of his lungs


(Error) " we wEre hangiNg arOund"

(Nightmare) -calms down- " your not glitching as much"

(Error) y-Yup ilL be abLe to talK normAl in a dAy or Two"

(Nightmare) "that's good to hear"

Then he leaves the room and they all go back to hanging around until...they hear a scream coming from the kitchen.....

End of chapter

Sorry guys for the mistakes and the curse words anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter bye !

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