Chapter 59. Loose Ends

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Hotch was reading through his release forms.

Even if they were standard, his lawyer’s background wouldn’t let him just sign and run. The team knew better than to hurry him. He was just a touch obsessive about some dressing well…and battling the cowlicks in his hair…and pretending he’d won and the cowlicks were tamed…and never signing anything without reading it in its entirety.

Rossi took the opportunity to bring their SUV up the street from Millie’s. When it came time to leave, he wanted to be able to bundle Bescardi into the back as quickly as possible and then forget her until it was time to dump her on someone else’s doorstep. He didn’t want to be caught walking any distance with her…escorting her. Her company disgusted him too much.

Morgan was fading fast. The sleepless night was catching up with him. But he insisted he could stand guard for another hour or so while the others tied up any loose ends preparatory to leaving.

Reid and Ana stood together just outside the hospital. Even a few feet of separation seemed to make it easier for her to endure the emotional impact of ailing patients and concerned family and friends. Neither noticed the elderly doctor until he touched Reid on the shoulder. When they turned, a little surprised that someone had come upon them unawares, he motioned them toward a stone bench edging on the street.

As they sat down, Ana gave a small gasp and slipped her hand into Reid’s. I knew there was something about him!

Wha’d’you mean?

I can’t sense him…nothing! There’s nothing there!

There was a pause, during which Reid tried to read something…anything…from the doctor, and during which the doctor himself stood before them, shaking his head.

I’m not getting anything either! This is weird.

So weird…


The ‘voice’ that intruded on Reid’s and Ana’s thoughts was louder and stronger than anything they’d experienced…even from each other. But both obeyed and fell silent, verbally and mentally. The old doctor’s lips compressed as he surveyed the young couple. When he spoke, his voice was kind, but firm.

“You two need to watch yourselves.”

“Sir?” Reid’s eyes were wider than usual; his voice a little scratchier.

“You can’t go around entering and reading whomever you want. Understand?”

“No.” It was a very small, very crestfallen response.

The doctor peered over the tops of his glasses, taking a closer look at each downcast face before him. He focused on Reid. “At your age, you should have developed more control. Why haven’t you?”

Reid looked at a loss. Ana stepped in. “He hasn’t been able to…read people all his life. It just started a while ago.” She raised her chin defiantly. “And he’s done some amazing things with it. He found my s-sister…and he s-saved H-Hotch…and…he…” When she started crying, the doctor took a step back. His look of puzzlement gave way to sympathy.

“Ahhh. You’re an empath.” He turned his entire attention to Ana, a slow smile replacing the stern expression. “And you’re too close to my hospital for comfort…and…” He turned his head slightly, as though he were listening to her. “…well, well…and you’re falling in love.” He beamed at her with the tolerant fondness of someone recalling his own heart’s adventures of long ago.

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