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I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off, waking me up from my peaceful dream. I reached over for my phone hitting the snooze button on the alarm. I told my hand to the bedside telling myself I am going to get up but I never did. I guess I had fallen back asleep because again my alarm went off a second time scaring me out of my dream, successfully waking me up.

I slowly sat up stretching while letting out a long yawn. I scratch my head trying to remember where I am. I looked around my empty room as I started to remember everything from last night. I sighed before reaching back over for my phone checking the time. I let out a gasp as I saw the time, "I'M LATE" I screamed. I woke up late again, ugh.

I throw back my blanket getting up and rushing to the bathroom. I stumble to my shower as I throw off my clothes, letting the clothes litter the bathroom floor. I jump into the shower not caring about the cold water rushing down the shower head. After my 5 minute shower, I ran out of the shower almost slipping on my way out. I rush to my suitcase pulling put a pair of shorts and a long t-shirt. I change quickly into my outfit falling on my face a couple of times before finally getting it on my body.

I run back to the bathroom, throwing my hair in a simple bun and brushing my teeth. Once I finish up in the bathroom I rush down the stairs heading straight for my door grabbing along the way my book bag, my keys, my phone and a bottle of water. I slip my shoes on before walking out of my apartment, closing, and locking the door behind me.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket checking the time. I let out a sigh of relief as I read the time, I still had enough time to walk to school and still be on time for my class. I grab my headphones out of my bag plugging them in and playing a song as I slip my phone back in my pocket. I descend the stairs stopping on the last step taking a deep breath before continuing my way to school.

Hoseok's P.O.V


"Hoseok hurry up and answer the door, the rest of us are going to be late because of you!" a voice screamed from the other side of the door. The knocking continued until I finally I got out of bed, I slowly made my way to the door opening it to see six other boys fully dressed, some looking a bit impatience. "Finally, Jesus we thought we were going to have to break down the door just to get you up and ready" my good friend Jimin said as they pushed passed me walking into my apartment, making themselves comfortable in my living room. I yawned closing the door behind them before making my way to the couch "Why are you waking me up so early?" I asked taking a seat in between my two friends Jungkook and Namjoon.

Namjoon gave me a look like if I were stupid or something "have you forgotten? today we have school. You know all seven of us to attend college and today is the first day back, bro how could you forget". The mention of school woke me up quickly and that's when I realized, I only have so little time to get ready or we'll all be late.

"SHIT" I yell jumping off the couch making a mad dash for my bedroom. As I entered my room I could hear the boys laughing at my stupidity. If I weren't going to be late I would say something but since I was, I didn't.

Time Skip

I run out of my room quickly going down the stairs almost out of breath "I'm ready, let's go"I say through my pants. The boys one by one got up and walked out the door, I followed them being the last one out locking my door. I checked the time making sure we still have time to get to school and still be on time. Just as I slipped my keys back in my pocket one of the boys spoke: "Hey, guys look?" Seokjin pointed over to the stairs. I look over to Seokjin then to where he was pointing at a girl walking down the stairs. I watch her take the last step before turning the corner, disappearing from my sight. "Has she always lived here?" Seokjin continued looking at all of us, I shrugged my shoulder " I don't think so, I mean we know almost everyone in the apartment building." I replied as I started walking towards the stairs. As we descended the stairs Jungkook spoke up "maybe she just moved in, I think she lives right next to me. late last night I heard some noises coming from the empty room next to mine." he added on to the conversation, just as Jungkook said that Taehyung chimed in "I remember our landlady telling me the other day we would be getting a new neighbor, maybe she was talking about the girl" he said as he took the lead walking ahead of us. I nodded my head to what Taehyung had said "yeah maybe you guys are right" I said catching up to him putting my arm around his neck. Yoongi yawned catching our attention "who cares, people come and go, let's just hope our new neighbor isn't as annoying like the last one" he shrugged his shoulders placing an arm over Jimin's shoulder. We nodded our heads to what Yoongi had said, after that, we changed the topic and started talking about something else.

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