Chapter 6: Paris here I come!

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"HURRY UP GUYS! GRANDPA AND GRANDMA ARE ALREADY IN THE CAR!" my mother yells from downstairs.

I got my suitcase, grabed my tablet and phone, then put them both in my neon green backpack. "I'm coming!" I screamed at the same time my dad honked the horn. When I got out side I saw the ''for sale'' sign on the lawn. It's official, we are leaving.

When I arrived at the car everyone was already in. I put my suitcase in the truck and sat in the back seat.

"Okay, is everyone ready ?" mom asked.

"Yup." all of us replied.


On the plane I sat in the middle of this strange couple. The man (I guess the husband) kept on staring at me with this "rape face". It was so creepy. The women (The wife) kept on smiling at me like I was a little kid. Then it got ugly, she started talking.

"My grandson looks just like you." She said in a creepy granny British accent. "You both have the same eyes."

"Ummm...... thanks" I said slowly.

"One day my husband Carl and I went to this hot dog place. We ..."

"Excuse, but I don't want to here about a hotdog place you went to" I said to myself. Trying to give her a hint, I put my earphones in my ears and started to watch a movie. When the movie started the lady whacked me, hard. What's wrong this old lady. I never knew old people could whack someone that hard.

"Excuse me are you listening?" she said demanding. That's it I'm done!

"Excuse me!? Who do you think you are to touch me? Like really! Geez!"

Looking offended she replied "Excuse me young lady. That is no way to talk to an elderly person." What? She did not just say that. She just whacked me and now she is saying that I'm rude.

"Well then don't touch me." I stated.

"I was telling you to listen." she muttered. Ignoring her and got out of my seat and asked my brother to switch seats with me.

"Why?" he asked.

"Cause this freaky grandma is getting on my nerves!"

"No way-"

"-Just go." I said. He must have seen how mad I was and got up and went straight to my seat. When I sat down I looked back and saw that the grandmother was talking to him and he was pertaining to sleep. It worked and she stoped talking to him. Probably because he is a little kid. That old Grandma...

I put my earphones on and started listening to "I want to hold your hand" by The Beatles.

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something

I think you'll understand

When I'll say that something

I wanna hold your hand

I wanna hold your hand

I wanna hold your hand

Oh please, say to me

You'll let me be your man

And please, say to me

You'll let me hold your hand

I'll let me hold your hand

I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy


It's such a feeling that my love

I can't hide

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