Chapter 8: Robber Alert !

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I woke up and checked the time on the clock it was 3:00 in the morning. Somehow I fell asleep. When I was about to fall asleep my stomach growled. Ah, I'm so hungry! I decided to get up from my comfortable bed and go downstairs to eat.

I climbed the stairs quietly and reached my favorite place. The kitchen. I was about to get some Chinese noodles in the fridge when a shadow covered me. I looked back and saw nobody. Then I went back to the fridge to pick up my noodles and someone taped me.



I turned around and saw a dark skin guy looking at me. "What the hell was that?" I asked. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. He scared the the crap out of me. Wait a minute... "What are you doing in my house?" I asked him.

"Um ..." He studderend "I was about to ..." The first instinct was that he was a robber. I grabbed the closest thing I saw at threw it at him. I saw some rope and tied his hand so he couldn't use them.

"Stacy Moors what are you doing to Ethan ?" My mother asked

"Ethan?" I asked looking and the guy on the floor getting up slowly.

"Yes, he is living here with his sister. He is a student at the same school as you." What? When was she planning on telling me this before I attacked a person like a mad women!

"When were you planning on telling me this?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well, you were to busy stuffing your face with food. So . . ." She said. Who does she think she is? Oh right, my mother. "Now be a polite, and apologize to Ethan." She never apologies for all the mean things she says to me. Why should I apologize to Him. Shesh.

"I didn't do anything wrong" I said matching her tone. She gave me the look she always gives me when we are about to agure in front of people. I give in becasue I really want to eat some food.

I turn to Ethan and say "Sorry for causing damage do your delicate face." I faced my mother and gave her a crooked smile. She didn't expect that. I grabed my chinese noodles and with that, I left downstairs to go to my room.


That morning I woke up to see my mom screaming at me.

"It's 7:10 in the morning! Hurry up and get ready school starts at 7:45" She yelled.

"Okay! Okay I'm up!" I replied getting out of bed. I hoped in the shower. The washroom was so big, I dried myself and went back to my room. My uniform was already on my bed. Black shoes, purple skirt, white top, purple and blue stripped tie and a black sweater vest. URG! I hate uniforms there so formal. I'd rather were my old musle tee, ribbed jeans and my old high-top converse. I put my on uniform and pulled my hair in a bun. I put on lipgloss and a little bit of mascara. I'm not into makeup that much, that's why I don't put a lot on. I just think your'e covering up yourself and you don't want the world to see the real you. I got my burgundy backpack and closed my bedroom.

When I got down stairs, I smelled breakfest cooking. Mmmmmm..."What's for breakfest?" I asked.

"Nothing for you" My mother sang "The way you acted yesterday was unacceptable." I can't believe she is taking food away from me.

"That isn't fair."I said sitting down at the table.

''Yes it is." She said placing food on the table for my brother, grandparents and the so called guy 'Ethan' that now lives here. I guess my dad already went to work. My dad goes to work early then my mom goes to work later. Though she usually works at home. "Where's Claire?" I asked my mother.

"She went out with Ethans sister."

"Oh." I said while texting Rachel.


Food4_Life: Hi Rachel

Rachel@Lime: Hey wazzzz up? How is Paris?

Food4_Life: Not eating :(

Paris is good I guess but this guy Ethan is living in my house

Rachel@Lime: Y rn't u eating

Rachel@Lime: Who is that? Y is someone living in ur house?

Food4_Life: Mom punished me

Food4_Life: Idk ...

"Its time to go Stacy" My mom said. "Ethan is going to drive you."

"Whatever" I said.

Food4_Life: gtg >:(

Rachel@Lime: Ha let me guess ur mom

Food4_Life: Wish me luck

I got up and followed Ethan out the door.

While leaving the door what I did not know, was that my life was about to changed forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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