Chapter 4 :The Rumor

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All day at school, everyone was looking at me differently and Justin wasn't even talking to me.

"This is so strange." I thought to myself. When I walked out of school to meet Rachel I saw her sitting on a bench. "What's going on?" I asked her.

"I'll tell you at my house, come on." she said. When we got to her house, we went straight to her bedroom.

"Is there anything you want to tell me Rachel?" I asked.

"Okay." Rachel said "there is a rumor that your dating Mike." Mike is the most popular guy in the school. I don't talk that much to him because he is a player. There must be something wrong with the girls in my school to even date Mike, just because of his money. People in my school ate so desperate for popularity. I wouldn't even kiss him, not even Date him! I don't even know why he is popular. I get that he has a rich dad and knows famous people. However, he has a bad personality and doesn't look that great.

"I'm not dating him." I told her

"That's not what everyone else says." She said shrugging.

"So who started this rumor?" I asked.

"I think Mike and his friends did."In some way I feel kind of flattered by this rumor, but then Not so much.

"So that's why everyone at school was looking at me like that ?" I asked, Rachel nodded.

"Justin wasn't even talking to me today, I think he is avoiding me". I said.

"You don't know "She said shocked.

"I don't know, what!?"

"Everyone knows that Justin likes you, and I mean likes, likes you."

"Huh?" I never thought of Justin as more of a friend so I don't understand how he would like me that way. He is like my brother.

"Ya I know. That's what I said when I heard". I forgot to tell Rachel about my moving plans because off all this commotion, but now I decided to tell her.

"Rachel, my dad told me yesterday that my family and I are moving to Paris. I am leaving in a few days."

"What no! Stacy you can't, the Formal Dance is coming up soon." She said sadly. "I'm going to miss you so much!" Rachel said moving her arms to pull me into a huge hug.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said trying not to cry.

The rest of the time at her house we just played X BOX talked about Paris..


When I got home it was 7:00. "I guess everyone is out." I said out loud. I decided to text Justin to see if he wanted to come over.

Hey Justin do you wanna talk -Stacy

I waited for a few minutes to see if he texted me back,but there was no reply. I decided to go to the kitchen and get a snack. As I passed the fridge I saw a note that read :

Sorry Stacy we might be home late, your brother went to his friends house, your sister went to God who knows where, grandpa and grandma went to the nursery home to visit some friends and your father and I went to Uncle Patrick's birthday party.

**Love ,mom and dad**

As usual on a Friday night everyone was out, except me. My phone ran Interrupting my thoughts.

"Hello" I said while grabbing an apple.

"Hey you want to talk?" the voice said .

"Who is this?" I asked. "How did you even get this number-"

Cutting me off the voice said "Stacy, its Justin" He said.

"Justin? Oh sorry." I said.

"I got you're text you said you want to talk."

"Ya I did." I said "Can you come over."

"Ya sure I'll be there in five minutes". He said hanging up the phone. While I waited for him I turned on the TV and watched Big Brother. Right when the commercials started the door bell rang. "Hey" I said moving from the door so he could come in, he was wearing dark washed jeans, Jordan's and a black hoodie. Justin has brown hair that he usually wears in a Mohawk, but today it was combed down. Justin always looks good, but tonight he looked really, really hot.

"Hey" Justin said moving to sit on the couch with me. I was about to say something but Justin was quicker than me.

Justin pushed my dark hair out of my dazzling hazel eyes and moved closer to me and began to speak softly "Stacy I've been meaning to tell you this ... I always have loved you, you're the most amazing person in the entire world." he said. I was speechless and didn't know what to say, so I just sat there looking into his deep blue eyes.

After a few minutes Justin pulled me closer to him and before I knew it his lips were on mine. The first thing I smelled was his cologne . Oh. My. Gosh. His lips were as soft as cotton candy . The kiss was genteel but sweet and made me want to melt in my seat.

We finally pulled apart and he looked right into my eyes and smiled. What just happened?

"OH MY GOD !" A voice screamed from the front door.

Current State Of Mind : Panic

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