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Awkward silence filled the both of them as Jun couldn't believe that SHE was there right in front of him.

"You've changed." She said to him.

"And you haven't changed a bit Mei." He replied.

"Didn't we have this conversation before?" Mei asked.

"Yeah..." Jun said adding nothing else to his reply.

"I remember the time we had this conversation." She said. "We had this the day you came back and left me again."

"I wanna tell you something-"

"If you're going to insult me again go ahead, I won't mind going back to the old days."

The only emotion Jun felt was guilt. Nothing else.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Those were the only two words Mei needed to hear.

"You have been forgiven for a very long time Jun." Mei replied.

"I'm really sorry." Jun apologised. "I changed a lot after I left and when I finally came back I abandoned our friendship and became a jerk and an asshole."

"You've been forgiven already so why apologise again and again?" She asked him.

"I regret what I did to you in highschool." He replied.

Memories came flashing back into Jun's head which made him tear up.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go outside? For some privacy? Shall we go to the park?" Mei asked him worridly.

Jun didn't respond instead Mei got up and grabbed his hand and went to the nearest park.

"It'll be okay Jun." Mei reassured hugging him while Jun cried on her shoulder.
"It'll be okay."

Lies | Wen Junhui |Where stories live. Discover now