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"Hey Jun!" I called out to you as you stuffed your books back into your locker.

"Yes Mei?"

"Sit with me and Jackson for lunch."

"I don't know if that was invitation or an order, but okay." You chuckled.

"C'mon!" I grabbed your hand and began leading you to the lunch room in a hurry. For some reason my heart started beating really quickly.

My cheeks became red and I thought you had an electric prank buzzer. Your touch was electrifying.

Yes, as cheesy as it may sound it's true.

"Woah Mei, take it easy! You're dating  someone already?" Jackson teased. He was such a teaser you couldn't tell whenever he was being serious or if he was joking.

"Jackson-a! Stop it!" I told you playfully hitting you in the arm.

"Now it looks like I'm third wheeling between you and Jackson." Jun said.

"Aish Jun-ya, you're even worse than Jackson and his teases."

"At least I'm better than Wonwoo's puns." You said back.

You made me laugh so hard that I accidentally spit my apple juice at you.

"OH MY GOSH! I'M SO SORRY!" That was really embarrassing. Until now I still try to erase that memory from my head.

"Mei-ah it was an accident." You said reassuring me that it was fine.

"Ani ani it's not!" I said. "I'll treat you for ice cream later so don't be late!" I told you.

"Mei-ah! You never did that to me!" Jackson pouted and crossed his arms.

"Aish don't be a big baby." I told Jackson.

"Is there anything else you want?" I asked Jun.

"Nah, I'll save that next time." You replied. "But for now I'm looking forward to that ice cream date." Aish you were such a flirt back then. Well, until now you still are.

"Aish you flirt." I playfully slapped you in the arm and you started "crying".

"You're not gonna get any girls if you keep that!" I teased.

"I don't need any girls,"  He said.

"And why is that, Mr. Wen Junhui?" I asked him.

"Because I have you already." He said and then winked playfully.

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

"Cheesy Wen, but it's like the 2nd day we became friends or something and you're already flirting with me?" I asked.

"I uhm-" He stuttered.

"HAHAHAHAHAH YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE! I was kidding Jun~" I told him.

He broke in boisterous laughter and Jackson sneakily slipped out saying he needed to go to the bathroom.

"I'll see you later love, I have class with Mr. What's his name- Oh and I'll be looking forward to that date."

D-did he just call me love?!? And did he just say date?!? HOLY COW!

He kissed my cheek and then ran to his next class.

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