Singing [P2, P3, P4]

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@kerriana88: This is fun....asking questions i mean.
For Natsu: have you ever heard lucy sing before? if so what was your reaction? if not.....would you like to hear her sing? For Happy: Happy the same question.

Natsu: She sings in the shower all the time. :/

Happy: And when we found out we didn't really do anything.

Natsu: She just seemed like the kind of airhead who'd do something like that. 

@kerriana88: For Donut: Hi :D o.0.......i just wanted to say hi.

Donut: Hey~ I'm gonna put your more recent ask in, now.

@kerriana88: I don't know if my previous question got answered so ill just ask again! :D
For Natsu: Have you ever heard Lucy sing? And if you have........what did you think about it :D

Natsu: Uh... Let's skip answerin' this one again..

@kerriana88: For Happy: If you had to kiss a girl in the guild NOT CHARLE...NOT AN EXCEED...who would it be? sorry Natsu stole the last fish i had to give to you o.0

Happy: Lisanna! But it would only be on the cheek! :< 

Natsu: ... >.> Ah, alright. 'Ere ya go, Happy. *Gives Happy a fish*

@kerriana88: oh well gotta ask again!

        For Natsu: What do you think of Lucy's singing! Have you ever heard her? If not do you want to?

        For Happy: same question for you about Lucy's singing

Both: NO!

(( This is what happens when I leave questions alone for too long.... ))

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