Chapter 12:The world has turned and left me here

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And suddenly Anna's hands were glowing. It was like fire. Magic.
Anna shot destructor with her magic and he fell down.

...Everyone was shocked....

Sif:How....can she do that?
But destructor stood again.
Anna:Leave. Now.

But destructor attacked her again. Anna escaped all of destructor's attacks. But every time anna shot him he got up and attacked her. Only odinfamily is strong enough to defeat him.

After few minutes destructor finally attacked anna first and this time anna wasn't able to escape. Another scratch deeper than before was on her left arm. More she got injured more she fight back. There was only rage in her eyes.

Loki:You chose him too.

Destructor stopped but anna didn't. She was not in control. All she wanted was to win. And at last when destructor attacked her she threw him flying back with her powers.


Before she could say anything else her powers grew even stronger. The fire around her hands grew darker and than suddenly vanishes and she falls on the ground. As she lays there unconscious thor fought the destroyer. When she wakes up she saw thor and sif standing in front of her and the destructor was defeated.

Thor:Anna. You alright?
Anna(breathing heavily):I shouldn't...have...
Thor:You did that to save me.
Sif: You hid that from us.
Anna(breathing heavily):Go back to asgard...and ask odin...about how much he's hiding from everyone.
Sif:Our king knew about it?
Anna:Go thor...stop loki...
Thor: I know this is a serious matter but we have to go back to asgard. Now.
Sif:You're right.
Thor: Hiemdall bring us back.
Anna:Never leave him thor. Farewell.

...Anna disappeared...

Thor:Anna No-

Before he could say anything he and others are back on asgard.


At midgard(earth)
Anna's POV

(Sitting on the top of 14 level building)

I'm fighting myself. All i wanted today was to save thor from destructor and also for destructor to kill him. A part of me wanted thor to die.
But no matter how hard i tried i can't let my best friend die. I can't let loki kill his brother.
Loki....I hope we never meet again. Like the prophecy said, i had no option other than using my powers. I never wanted to use them but... I have used my powers for the first time. I'm not strong. But i don't know how fast these powers will grow. All i know is that sooner or later I'll kill my love. I'll kill you loki.

Agent coulson (From S.H.I.E.L.D):If i am not wrong you were with thor?
Anna(without turning back):Whoever you are you should stay away from me.
Coulson:Everyone who came from out of earth left with thor. Why are you still here?
Anna(to herself):The world has turned and left me here.

1 year later

Coulson:We need your help.
Hill:Loki's here with an alien army. He took something important and dangerous from us.
Coulson:Worst. He wants to rule us.
Hill:Avengers are there to fight him...but we want that back now.
Loki:But you're not gonna get that.

...Everyone turns back to see loki's illusion standing in front of them. He smirks...

Anna:Welcome to earth, loki.

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