Chapter 5: What are you!

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...Anna and loki followed him. He stopped in front of an empty glass cell. He touched that glass cell and it shifted revealing a secret door...

Tivan:Be ready to see some of the most unbelievable and dangerous things.

...He opened that door revealing few glass cells...

Tivan:Look at this. This creature can read your thoughts and...can change them. It's the only one of his species left. And this...

...He stopped in front of a large chamber...

Tivan:This thing can kill you just by looking into your eyes.

...Loki smirked listening to that while anna took a step back...

Loki:Now that's something.

...Loki looks around...

Loki(shockingly):Wait. Is that dark elf written over there?
Anna(Thinking):Only this chamber is empty and dark. Maybe that dark elf escaped.
Tivan: Yes i found him few days ago.
Anna (thinking):WHAT?
Loki:But i thought all of them were dead. He seems alive.
Anna(thinking): Seems alive? There's only darkness over here. What is he talking about.
Tivan:He's alive. That's why he's in this cage.
Anna (thinking): What in the nine realms are they talking about. There's nothing in there or maybe i have gone blind.
Tivan: You look confused Norelle.
Loki: oh she's never seen something like this.
Anna(thinking)(sarcastically): oh yeah i have never seen dark.

...Tivan smirks...

Tivan:Look at him now.
Anna:He's just a frost giant. Why's he here?
Loki:Everything's here for a reason. So tell us what's the reason behind him being locked up in a glass chamber.
Tivan:He can tell future. Other frost giants see him as a monster but i...i see him as a treasure.
Frost giant: But i do that whenever i want to.
Loki:Locked up in a cage and attitude's like a king.
Frost giant:You two are going to be locked up in a cage too. Just wait for the right time my prince and my queen.
Anna:And you call him a future teller. I'm not a queen I'm just a normal...
Tivan:Oh you surely look like a queen. But don't mind him he likes to play.

...Anna gave him an angry stare. They moved towards more glass chambers and saw many creatures. Cassie whispered something to tivan...

Tivan:Loki. Why don't you and Norelle  continue your tour i just remembered something important. I'll join you in few minutes. Cassie come with me.

...Cassie and tivan leaves leaving me and loki alone...

Anna(whispering):These are just more creatures. Nothing over here can help us.
Loki(Whispering):Yes. But i think i got enough information from tivan.
Anna:Than we should go back as soon as possible. I can't stay here a single more second.
Frost giant: You know you're just like me. Different than others.
Anna:One more word and I'm going to ...
Frost giant:Kill me? My queen that's not gonna happen.

...Loki snapped his fingers and that frost giant's voice became inaudible...

Loki:I could do more than that but i assumed you won't like that and neither will she. Which matter.

...Loki smiled at him...

...Anna looks back at the dark elf's chamber...

Anna(whispering): what were you talking about?

...Anna points towards the dark elf's cell...

Anna:You said he seems alive but there's nothing over here except darkness.
Loki(whispering):This thing is not a joke anna.
Anna:Loki I'm not joking. You are. There's nothing over here.

.. Anna tried to touch that chamber when loki stopped her...

Loki(Whispering):Anna no. He may be in a cell now but he's still a dark elf. Darkness affects asgardians. It makes them weak.

...Anna Looks at loki but then touches the glass prison and suddenly she saw something. Her eyes widened her hands were shivering. It's like she wanted to scream but her voice was gone...

Loki:Anna are you alright?

...Anna didn't move. she seems so scared. For the first time in his life loki has seen her scared...

Loki: Anna. Anna. Look at me are you alright?

...Loki grabbed her hand and Anna screamed...

Loki: Anna.

...Loki was shocked too. Dark elves can make asgardians weak but she don't look weak. She looks scared.
Anna hugged loki tightly. Tears coming through her eyes. Loki hugged her back...

Loki: Hey.Hey. I'm here...I'm here.
Loki: Calm down calm down. You're alright. I'm here.

...Tivan and Cassie came hearing Anna's scream. Loki left anna...

Tivan:What happened? Why was she screaming. Did anything escaped the glass chamber?
Loki: Oh she's alright. These girls are scared of like everything.

...Tivan looks at Anna's face. It's pale. She's hiding behind loki. Crying...

Tivan:what are you?

...He gave anna a confused look. While loki looked at him in shock. Anna looks even more scared now...

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