Part 2

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Cardinal Path (Part 2)

"A time travel quirk..." Todoroki mumbled, sighing deeply as his thin pale fingers drummed against the workbench. His jaw was tight, face looking deep in thought about all he had learned in the recent hour.

"There's never been one on record before... or at least until me."

"That's true... but you said you never met your biological parents, correct? Then perhaps..." He mused, trying to possibly figure out how your quirk had come to be.

"Possibly... but that's one thing I'm really not sure of... let alone what either of my parent's quirks were. For all I know, they both could have been quirkless and my ability was the result of some experiment..."

"But that seems unlikely... even with the only instance, you have of them both... it appears like they wanted to hide you in fear of your quirk turning out to be like one of theirs...maybe because-"

"-it's rare enough to try and control the user." You finished his thought.

"You're aware then." He glanced towards your form leaning against the window, peering out at the grounds below.

Todoroki calmly walked over to you, seeing as he no longer would need to be sitting. When you had told him to take a seat because your story would knock him over, he took you seriously... as Todoroki would. Sarcasm was still a bit lost on him.

He leaned on the railing next to you, seeing what exactly had caught your eye. Midoriya and Iida were walking out with who he believed to be Hatsume Mei. Hatsume seemed to be talking animatedly and Midoriya was joining in with her talk. More than likely about some hero.

Iida walked beside the two, nodding his head every so often. You honestly assumed he was just being polite, knowing how much Hatsume loved her inventions and that... he might be used by her again if he wasn't careful.

"You have good friends." You muttered, sighing. "Ones you'd do anything for, right?"

"Yes." Todoroki nodded, glancing at how your eyes still lingered, but it was clear what person of the three you watched over like a guardian angel. "And I assume you have one as well."

You hummed in agreement. Hatsume was near and dear alright... as she was the one who had given up her after-school workshop time to help you. What would be next? Giving you Shinsou's costume assignment so you could talk with him? Building weapons for you to use? Even yelling at Bakugou for being such a thick-headed asshole? Despite how humorous these seemed as they passed into your thoughts, you knew under the right circumstances she would do them... all for your sake.

"She's much too good to me. Willing to put her life on hold and her aspirations aside if it means I'll have a good day."

Todoroki nodded, laughing a bit to himself. "I have someone who puts my needs in front of his own at times as well... I guess some people just can't help but want to make everyone happy..."

You turned to look at Todoroki as his voice quieted down a bit, his breath inhaling sharply as his memories and thoughts momentarily took him away from you. Smiling softly, you reached forward, gently placing your hand on his.

Todoroki blinked twice, looking at your connected hands and then back at you. You nodded to him and he returned the action.

"So let's protect those who have always helped us. I want to be just as dedicated and motivated to help and save them as they have been to me!"

Todoroki chuckled, nodding along with your motivating words. "Of course."

"So... when do we start?"

Enouement - Cardinal Path (Todoroki's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now