Part 5

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Cardinal Path (Part 5)

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." - Henry Van Dyke

The nurses really needed to stop chattering amongst themselves when they believed you to be asleep. They should know from the eye bags under your face and from how long it took you to drift off that insomnia and night terrors were common.

More so... maybe if they were more clever or listened better... they would have been able to tell your breathing and movements were not actually signs that you were sleeping. But even so, as a group of them had come in every night to check on their burn patient. Their voices muttering loudly enough for you to pick up on them.

"The poor thing... I can't believe they are keeping that psycho who did this in the psych ward until her trial is set." One would say as she checked your vitals.

"Well, where else would they have put that crazy woman? I'm more thankful that the doctors and police were smart enough to not only have two heroes standing outside her door... but also have that maniac chained up inside of her room." Another spoke as she cleaned the empty bed next to you, your roommate having left that morning.

"Can you really blame them for being so cautious though?" The third and final nurse said as she swept the small bits of dirt that were on the floor. "Apparently... the total number of injuries wasn't just this girl. Endeavor's son himself got locked in the same freezer... not to mention Endeavor had three sidekicks put into the ER from gunshot wounds."

"If you ask me... the sooner they get that crazy lady out of here... the better." The first one spoke again.

The rest of the night you were restless, thinking about how the woman who had tortured you for so long was only two wings away... locked up and being jailed inside a psych ward room so the doctors could determine her mental state before her criminal trial. Or at least that was the most logical reason you could come up with as the night drew into dawn.

You slept for a total of six hours once the sun peeked through the skyline. And then the next thing you knew, the four am dawn had turned into the ten am blasting of sunlight right onto your face. Groaning you sat up and looked around your room.

"Morning!" The day nurse greeted you almost immediately. "Do you want to eat this morning?"

Her face was kind, but you could tell she seemed overworked. Deciding to spare her of at least one patient right now, you shook your head. She nodded to you and hurried off to the sounds of another patient calling her name. Your frame watching patiently until she left and watching as she hurried down the hallway and disappeared.

"Sorry for this..." You mumbled, climbing out of bed with ease and making your way to the nurse's private quarters. "But... I'm afraid I need your spare uniform."

It was easy to find a spare in a changing room made for the nurses who dealt with sick and injured patients all day long. What the hard part would be was putting it on and covering your burns with a mask. And then... the harder part of getting access to the room the villain of your life was currently in.

But... seeing as the psych ward would have the nurses being more stretched thin than in the recovery ward... you had your faith this would work out well. Meaning the only obstacle you would have to face would be... getting past the two pro-heroes who would be standing guard.

Enouement - Cardinal Path (Todoroki's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now