Part 4

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Cardinal Path (Part 4)

The sounds of beeping, the bright light hitting your eyelids and the feeling of being unable to move is not the best thing to sense when your consciousness begins to come back from wherever it had been prior. The idea of your body being unable to move and everything around you intense makes one feel powerless and afraid.

But you'd be lying to say this was the first time you'd ever felt that way.

Therefore opening your eyes suddenly and recoiling from such a bright light was definitely not the most unpleasant morning you've had. That title belonged to falling to your death to only wake up moments later and in a panic.

Today was different... as today things seemed to be much different than they usually do when you wake up. Your memory not hazy, but nonexistent as to how you got here. Here being a hospital room. From the looks of it... a recovery room. Meaning your condition was stable, and thus they didn't need to monitor you.

Your cheek itches, the skin seeming to be irritated. Your hand rising to satisfy the sensation before it became any more pestery than it had before. Your fingers met the soft fabric covering your cheek, realizing now what was causing the irritation. In fact, as your digits traced along your entire face... it appears this bandage fell along your entire face.

Even some parts of your torso and arms were covered in the bandage as well. The thin white cloth wrapped tightly and kept your eyes from finding what secret laid underneath it. It was almost frightening... as your mind was now wondering. No mirror to check... nothing. For all you knew... you could be turning into one of those things ever so slowly.

Your breath hitched, realizing you had forgotten about something else, something much more important. The boy who had been in the freezer with you, the one you had dragged along. The one who had held you so close and promised that everything would work out.

Where was Todoroki?

Your heart beat rapidly, trying to figure out the numerous questions flying through your head. Things were beginning to rapidly get worse and worse for your sanity as you sat in the bed. Your arms shaking and your eyes burning holes into your hand. Your teeth bit into your lip and your brows knit together.

"You're awake, I see." A male voice spoke to you. "That's good. I'll fetch a nurse."

Your heart froze over, watching as the doctor quickly turned to get a nurse to assist him. You had wished for it to be someone else... for it to have been Todoroki calling out to you to calm your nerves. But instead, it appeared to be a man with 20 too many patients and too little time to see them all.

He would not have the answers you seek, and more than likely... you'd be stuck waiting until someone with answers came to see you before you got any of them. Your mind worried for Todoroki. And as the doctor and nurse came in with various objects and a clipboard, you could only hope that this would be over quickly.

You would not stay in the dark for long after all. You needed to figure things out... needed to know if you had fucked this up... or if by some miracle you had saved everyone.

"We're going to be checking your vitals first." The doctor spoke. "You were in that freezer for a couple hours, so it's important to make sure you still have all your cognitive and motor functions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." You nodded to him, thus showing your verbal skill were still sharp.

The tests went by slowly for you, your mind everywhere but here in this dull hospital room. Even the sounds of birds chirping and the sun hitting you in a perfect spot to warm you up seemed to not be enough to give your mind a break from its rampaging thoughts.

Enouement - Cardinal Path (Todoroki's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now