Part 3

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Cardinal Path (Part 3)

It was supposed to be easy... you and he were supposed to come in, show him you were correct, and then get out and get help from the current number one hero. And while Todoroki wasn't too keen on this... he knew that his father would know how to deal with such an operation.

But now with the situation having turned grave thanks to his own mistake of letting himself get too distracted proved to be the worst choice he had made of late. But it wasn't something new for him.

He was always around when a bad situation seemed to rise: Stain... the Camino incident... and now... this warehouse. He was much more than a hand crusher... as it seemed having him involved in anything meant a good chance of it turning into a terrible situation by the mere batting of his lashes.

He gripped you tightly, not allowing any vital part of you to be seen past him. Your eyes widened, gently pushing against him as he did so. Your panic began to set in... not here... not again. You couldn't lose him once more...

"Todoroki..." You spoke, glancing up at his face, trying to read it and know for yourself what exactly he was thinking or considering thinking.

He nodded against you, hairs of his brushing against your cheek. "Stay still for a moment... nothing is going to happen, I promise."

You nodded slowly, trying to let yourself trust him. But... your mind was becoming erratic. There was a gun pointed at him... and he was fine using himself as your shield. You didn't and couldn't do anything. Frozen on the spot... like always.

Todoroki turned his head slightly, glancing at the woman behind him with a revolver pointed directly at him. Her long silver hair and single purple eye convinced him that this was the woman who had been responsible for this entire thing countless times before. And now here she was... once more ready to murder him and you in cold blood without any hesitation.

His eyes wandered down, seeing her other arm was already grabbing onto something. A man rested against the ground, body hunched and unmoving. His uniform attire was stained red, the origin coming from his hair. Droplets trickling down his face and moving towards his body and the ground as the seconds ticked by.

The woman voiced a muffled and soft laugh, having no way to cover it. So instead her voice echoed across the walls of the warehouse, making both you and Todoroki wince at how unpleasant it sounded.

She tilted her head to the side, smiling widely at the two of you with an impressed face. Slowly she dropped the unconscious man and moved towards the both of you, gun still pointed and coming closer and closer to point blank.

"And here I thought I'd only find one little test subject tonight...but it appears that I'll be able to test how it spreads to other creatures as well." She narrowed her eyes. "Makes me glad you two brats showed up..."


"Stay behind me!" He suddenly cut you off, using one arm to keep you behind him.

A burst of ice grew from his foot, running towards the woman in front of him. Todoroki's right side immediately beginning to become lightly frosted. His left side was dormant, but from how the ice was not sticking to his skin and clothing... you could only assume it would not be that way for long.

Todoroki's attack seemed to have a direct hit, pieces of ice and sharp frozen shards beginning to be stained red and grow. He let out a breath, trying to control the fear that he might have actually done something irreversible.

He relaxed slowly, seeing the woman now impaled on his ice stop moving. Her arm with the gun rested next to her side. He rested his attack posture, glancing at you and seeing that you were fine. No sneaky moves or attacks... but a crazy woman stuck on an icicle.

Enouement - Cardinal Path (Todoroki's Ending)Where stories live. Discover now