It All Started With A Big Bang

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It was the middle of the night and i woke up to this huge bang. I look beside me and see Astrid away. The First thing that came to my mind was Viggo but what i said out loud was "they found me". I probably should't have said that though because then she started to worry. "Astrid stay here ill be right back". 

I ran down the stairs and flew open the front door to find Viggo's ships. I got all frustrated and closed the door to go up stairs to explain all this to Astrid. " Astrid their is a guy that has found my new location named Viggo Grimborn. He is the one who gave me all of my scars. Well most of my scars. He is here to try to capture me and kill me again. I have to go out their and fight him again."

"Hiccup I'm coming with you" She said 

I knew I wasn't going to win this battle so i just said okay. we ran outside to the stables and got on our dragons. We took off into the sky and I was constantly looking to Astrid to make sure she was okay since she had no experience battling on a dragon. she was blasting hunters well I was sinking ships.

This went on for a while until I heard a loud scream followed by my name. I look to find Astrid and I see her exactly wear I don't want to; falling from the sky. Toothless and I fly as fast as we could diving towards her. I was able to grab her and but Viggo was able to get a hold of her also with a chain wrapped around her waist. He pulled her right out of my hand and hand no choice but to let her go. If I got caught to I don' know if I would be able to get us both out. 


The chains wrapped around me and pulled me out of hiccups grip and I hit the water hard. They slowly pulled me out of the water and onto the deck of the ship. I was greated by more chains tying me up. Not one word was even said to me. They just brought me straight down to a cell.i was in their for a while before a dragon hunter came draged me into a room at the back of a boat. The hunter kocked on the door and when he heard a voice say "come in" He Pushed me into the room. I came in and i saw a pale skinned man with a black beard and black hair.

"So, you seem to know my good friend Hiccup Haddock. Am I right?" He asked knowing the answer.

"Yes we do." I answered

"Hmm. That what I thought. Now this is how this is going to work. I'm going to ask a question and I don't like lies."He said.

"ok" I said kinda feeling worried.

"Where does he keep the dragon eye." He asked me.

" I have no clue what your talking about" I said back.

"If you know Hiccup Haddock then you've got to know about the dragon eye. So I'm going to ask you again. Where does he keep the dragon eye. " He asked me again

"I don't know what that is or where he keeps it."I simply said back.

"Hmm. Hes tought you well. Take her away." He said to the guy who brought me here.

He dragged me back to the cell and then used his mase to push me into it. he it my right under my shoulder blades causing a sharp piercing pain and making me fall over. I couldn't imagine what Hiccup went threw but all I hoped for right now was that Hiccup will come soon.

In the morning when I woke up I was starving. I was happy that they at least gave me a piece of bread to eat. I sat up really feeling sore now. As soon as I took my last bit another guard came in to get me and took me right back to Viggo. Viggo asked me the same question again and of course I still had the same answer. I really wish I knew the answer because every time I don't tell him what he wants to know I get punished. This time Viggo got angry and threw his knife on the table that we were at and it sliced open my hand making it bleed a lot. Then of course the brought me back to my cell.


I needed to find Astrid as soon as possible. I know what Viggo is trying to get her to tell him and she doesn't know the answer. I wish i told her so then he could just come back to find it and i could get Astrid back. I really hope hes not hurting her too much. I went to the gangs homes to find them. I needed their help ASAP. 

"Guys I need your help. Astrid Has been captured by my arch enemy named Viggo Grimborn. If we don't find her soon she will get really hurt."

"OK. What do you need us to do?" Fishlegs asked.

"I need you guys to split up and just start searching the ocean for dragon hunter ships. When you find them don't start attacking. Viggo is very skilled and you won't stand a chance agensed him. When you find hi send out a dragon call and we'll come and back you up. Understood?"

"yes" they all said in unison. 

We all got on our dragons and headed out to start the search


Hope you guys liked this chapter. now i finally got a plot change and hopefully things will get more interesting. As i wrote the title of this chapter i right away thought of the big bang theory theme song.

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