A Day With Heather

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Everyone came down and sat at the table. at one side was Hiccup, Me, Fishlegs and heather. On the other side was snotlout, ruff and tuff.  

"I'm going to say this once. I am doing better but snotlout and tuff, if you guys pull any crap like this again there will be hell to pay." i said.

They guys just nodded and and were pretty silent after that. 

"So Astrid. We should hang out tomorrow and catch up. We haven't talked in a while." Heather said to me.

"Ya sure that sound like a great idea." i said back to her.

We all finished up our meals and then headed out. Hiccup and i went back to our house and sat outside.we sat on the edge of the front porch with our legs dangling off the front. We sat there quietly for a while and just looked over all of berk since our house was high up and had a great view. 

"Astrid are you sure you'll be okay on your own tomorrow with Heather? I'm just worried you'll get hurt again." Hiccup asked me.

"Hiccup ill be fine. To be honest im kinda happy i get to go out without you looking over me tomorrow. You have been very protective lately and i think this break tomorrow will be good for the 2 of us."i explained to him.

"Ya i know but i just get so worried about you Astrid and i don't want to lose you." He said. 

"Don't worry Hiccup. you'll never lose me." i said

I slid my arm around his back and leaned my head on his shoulder and he laid his hand around my bank and on my shoulder. We stayed like this and watched the sunset. Once the sun was gone we headed inside. Hiccup and i started to get ready for bed because i had a big day with Heather tomorrow and Hiccup found no reason to stay up if i didn't stay up with him. i went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and got changed into my pajamas. i came out of the bathroom and did the same thing i did. well he was in there getting ready i got into bed. When Hiccup came out he was wearing baggy green pants and no shirt. i could see all his very nice toned muscles. i just stared at him as he come over and got into bed beside me. 

"What are you staring at? Is there something wrong with my hair?" he asked all dumb.

"No nothing is wrong with you hair. It's perfect. Your perfect." i said to him practically drooling over his body. 

"What is wrong with you. Your never like this." He said laughing .

"Well that's because you don't always walk around with no shirt on." I explained to him 

We got into bed together and went to sleep with our bodys pressed up against each other and my leg laid over his. i woke up early in the morning and got ready to meet up with heather for the day. I was out the door before Hiccup even woke up.

"Hey Heather!" i greeted her looking forward to today. 

"Hey. Where should we go first?" she asked me

"Lets just go for a ride on our dragons and see where we end up. I haven't ridden Stormfly in a long time." i said to her.

"Why not?" she asked well we got on our dragons.

"Well Hiccup thought that riding stormfly would put me at too much of a risk for splitting open my wound again." i explained

"Oh ya i can understand that." she said

"How? all i'm doing is flying my dragon. nothing bad could happen well doing that." i said to her

"Well if the twins did something stupid then they could hurt you and snotlout could probably be a risk also. They were the ones that re injured you anyways weren't they?" she asked me

"Ya i guess you're right." i hate it though when Hiccup get that protective over me. i mean its sweet and all to know he cares about me that much but i also need my space." i explained to her

"Ya i understand. its nice to have someone that likes you that much though." she said

"Ya it is" i replied

"So have you and hiccup talked about getting married yet?" she asked

"No. the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. we are still just dating right now." i explained to her.

"Have you guys done it yet?" she asked

"No. I'm sure it'll happen soon though." i said.

We kept flying over open water until we came across a small island. We landed on the beach and got off our dragons and decided to go for a swim. We took off our clothes until we were just in our undergarments and then raced into the water. When the water got to my stomach it burned my wound because of the salt water. After a few minutes the burning stopped and we just kept splashing each other and playing in the water. after a while we got out of the water and kayed on the beach tanning for a few hours. We just talked some more about boys and plans for the future.

It started to get late in the afternoon and we decided we should start heading back to berk if we wanted to get back before dark. When we arrived at berk there was still a bit of sun left but not much. We got off our dragons and went to the main hall to meet everyone for dinner. When we got into the building everyone was already at a table and eating. Heather and i went to grab ourselves some food and then sat down with everyone else. We sat on the end of the table beside each other. 

"So what did you guys do today?" Fishlegs asked.

"We took the dragons out to a small island and went swimming and talked about stuff."HEather said

"What did you guys talk about?" Snoutlout asked

"Nothing specific" i said

"oh they talked about boys. That definitely means they were talking about boys." Ruffnut said.

"So what if we were?" Heather said going a bit red because she was thinking about what things they were saying about the boys.

"So what were you guys saying about us then?" Snotlout asked

"That's none of your business Snotface." We both said in unison

We finished our dinner and the split and went our own ways back to our houses. Well i was walking back home with Hiccup he started talking.

"So what were you guys saying about us today?" he asked me kind shy and worried.

"Nothing bad about you. I was telling Heather about how you've been looking after me so closely and taking really good care of me well i've been recovering." i explained to him. 

"oh okay" he said and put an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him well we were walking back.

When we got back to our house we went up stairs and got changed into our pajamas. i grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. when i took of my shirt i noticed my wound was looking a bit purple and swollen. 

"Hiccup can you come in here for a sec?" i asked him.

Hiccup walked into the bathroom and stared at me for a second topless before he clued in that I need his help.

"umm whats up?" he asked me. 

"I think there is something wrong with my wound. its all purple and swollen." i explained to him.

He came in front of me and looked down at it. He brushed his fingertips over it and asked me if it hurt when i did that. i said it did a little bit.

"I think it might be a bit infected. I think it might be from swimming. Some kind of bacteria must have gotten into it. Ill go down to gothies tomorrow morning and get something form her that should help." he said to me

He left and closed the door behind him and i finished getting changed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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