Getting Better

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Astrid's POV

                 In the morning i woke up with hiccup still beside me. He was still asleep so i just rolled over and looked out the window at the trees well i waited for him to wake up.  I saw a few birds land on the branches of the trees and play around with each other before Hiccup woke up. He rolled over so then he was facing the same way as me with my back in front of him and put his hand on my shoulder. "how are you doing" he asked me. "I'm still pretty sore but i'm mostly hungry." i told him. "Okay. Well I'll go make some..." "eggs please" i told him before he left. 

Today i don't really get to do anything but lay in bed because i have to let my stomach heal. 

(time skip to next day)

Today all Hiccup is letting me do is follow him around all day so he can make sure nothing bad happens to me and i stay safe. The first thing on hiccups  to do list was to help the town in the forge. I followed him down to the forges at 6 in the morning when no one was even up yet. When we got to the forge Hiccup lit the fireplace and started to set up the shop for work. "anything i can help you with" i asked him. "No. You just sit there and rest well i work." He said well gesturing to the chair behind me. 

i have always loved watching Hiccup work in the forge. he always looks so cute. he gets all hot and sweaty and the look he has on his face when he's working and concentrating is so cute. he starts to get sweaty on his forehead and the little stray strands of hair start to stick to his sweat. When i look at his eyes i can see all the new ideas going through his mind and i can see the concentration when his eyes are fixed on his work.

"What are you staring at?" Hiccup asked breaking his concentration from his work. 

"Just you. Watching you work. Trying to figure out what's going through your mind." I explained to him.

"And what is it you think i'm thinking of?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Probably some new, crazy invention." I told him.

i kept watching him work all hunched over the workbench. Then got up to go over to him once he was concentrated again. I limped over to him and slid one hand under his shirt and up towards his pecs. I could feel the defined muscle. He stopped looking at his work and then looked at me and i looked into his eyes. He stood up straight and looked down at me and i watch his pupils get bigger. He then pressed his lips on mine and he put one hand on my shoulder and slid it down towards my hand. I then put my free hand onto the side of his abs and gripped his shirt while still kissing him. He then moved his hand on mine to the side of my abs and rubbed it upward slowly. I then pulled away from kissing him quickly when he touched my side because that's where my wound was. I moved my hand to on top of his and i pulled it off my side while wincing in pain. 

"Astrid i'm so sorry. I forgot about it for a moment." he apologized to me sincerely.

"Don't worry. I was the one who started it and i probably shouldn't have." i said to him

" No it's not your fault. But don't get me wrong, i did enjoy it and where it was heading." he said to me with a twinkle in his eye.

"i guess you'll just have to wait a little longer." i said teasing him. 

I watched him as he finished up his work in the forge and then we went to dinner in the dining hall. Hiccup and i went and sat down at a table waiting for our food to be brought to us. While we were waiting i saw the gang walk in. I saw Tuff and Snotlout and i instantly felt anger come over me but then i thought to myself, i'll have to forgive them eventually so why not do it now. i watched the whole gang start to walk over to Hiccup and i and he gave me a look to see if i was okay with it and i just nodded.  Tuff and snotlout were the first to talk and they were about to start apologizing but i just stopped them quickly because i didn't want to start talking about what happened right now.


Hey guys. i know i haven't updated in a really really long time but here is the new chapter. i put in  little hot hiccstrid moment to make up for being away for so long. i will hopefully be able to upload more frequently now that the corona virus has all of us having lots of extra time. take care more now.

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