Chapter Three

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The party was nothing short of crazy. Kids were shouting over each other – over the pounding music, and I didn’t see one person without a drink in their hand. I had to admit, it made me so nervous knowing that everyone here was an experienced drinker, and I hadn’t even started. But I was going to see what Shane had to say about this “fine world”. I didn’t want to look lame, and I definitely wanted to have a good time and fit in with everyone else. This may sound like the standard case of peer pressure with alcohol, but I wanted to do it. I truly did; there’s a first time for everything right?

                Our group of friends stuck to a certain corner of the party; the lot of us all talking and laughing and just having a good time. We’d been at the party for about twenty minutes now, and I hadn’t had a drink. I was beginning to feel anxious. Right as I was about to speak up to Shane about it, somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to face a very cute guy, with a red cup in his hand and a smile on his face.

                “You look thirsty,” he says. Then he sticks his hand out. “I’m Zach.”

                I take his hand. “Annie,” I say with a smile. He really was adorable.

                “Well, Annie, what do you say I get you something to drink? You can’t stand here all night empty handed,” he says.

                I smile at my feet and agree to take him up on his offer. He holds his arm out to me. I glance back at the group, at Shane, and see that they’re all busy talking, nobody would notice if I left for a while.

                I turn around and take Zach’s arm. He leads me through the party; swerving in and out through the crowds of drunken people. The smell of alcohol is thick in the air, but it gives the party a sense of excitement. For me, excitement of the unknown.

                We finally get to the kitchen, and Zach starts pulling out a cup and a few bottles of what I assume is vodka. He talks to me while he makes my drink; he tells me where he's from and about some band I've never heard of that he apparenly loves.

                A loud shout comes from the main room, and I turn around to see what’s going on. A girl – a very drunk girl – has gotten on top of a table and is dancing sloppily. I feel embarrassed for her; although people are clapping along and laughing, I feel mostly that they’re making fun of her.


                I turn around and Zach is holding out the cup to me. I smile and take it, sniffing it first. It smells…strong.

                “What exactly is in this?” I ask timidly.

                Zach smiles. “Not important. What’s important is that it tastes good. And trust me, it does.”

                I find his answer a little off putting, but drink the mixture anyway. He’s right; it’s amazing. It’s fruity; barely tastes like hard liquor. I keep drinking, and he laughs.

                “You’re acting like this is your first sip of alcohol in your life,” he says.

                I smile sheepishly at him and shrug.


                Ten minutes – and one drink later – I find my way back to the group. They’re in the same place, as though nobody had noticed I was gone.

                “Annie, there you are!” It’s Shane. He’s got a grin on his face, but it falters when he sees the drink in my hand.

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