Chapter Eight

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The next morning, Shane and I wake up at the same time. We usually do, because we both have an 8 am class on the same side of campus, and we walk there together. He leaves the room to shower, and I do the same. When I’m done, I go back to the room and get my backpack ready. Shane comes in with his already on.

                “Ready?” He asks. I nod, and smile in my head that we’re still walking together. We leave the building and head across campus.

                The walk is silent. It’s almost awkward.

                “Look, I’m sorry for acting like that last night,” Shane says.          

                I glance up at him. “It’s okay.”

                “I just don’t want you losing sight of why you’re here because you met some guy. You told me on that first day that you’ve always been focused on school, and you’re only here because of some crazy scholarship. Your education is important to you, Annie, and I don’t want you to forget who you are and why you’re here,” Shane says.

                “Who I am?” I say.

                Shane looks away and squints at something in the distance. Then he flashes that same heart wrenching grin and looks down at me. “Yeah. A nerd.”

                I laugh and smack his arm. “I am not a nerd!” But really, I am. No use denying it.

                Shane laughs and throws an arm around my shoulders. “Yeah, you are. You’re my nerd,” he says, grinning and looking ahead of him.

                I laugh. I’m about to fire back when I decide against it. I don’t want to ruin this moment – a moment where we’re not fighting.


                “Soooo, tell me everything! What happened between you two!” Hannah squeals.

                We’re grabbing some coffee in between classes. I catch Hannah up on our conversation at the pub, and lead all the way up to when he walked me back to my dorm.

                “Did he kiss you!?” Hannah asks.

                I smile shyly at her.

                She squeals and claps her hands. “I knew it! I knew you guys were a cute couple the second I saw him!” She stops squealing and clapping. “Does Shane know?”

                I cock my head at her. “Yeah…”

                Hannah winces. “How’d he take it?”

                I stare at her, totally confused. “I mean, he acted pretty weirdly, but we were fine this morning. Why would he take it badly?”

                Hannah raises her eyebrows at me, as if to say you are really not being that dense.

                “What?” I say.

                “Oh, come on, Annie! You know what!” Hannah says.

                “No, like, I literally have no idea what you’re trying to say,” I say.

                Hannah throws her hands up. “Shane likes you!”

                I gasp and stare at her. “What? What are you talking about? No, we’re just friends! Everyone knows that!”

                “You’re the only one that thinks that, Annie. Shane’s got it bad for you, I’ve seen the way he looks at you – like you’re the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen,” Hannah says.

                I shake my head furiously. “No. We are roommates, nothing else. Besides, he would’ve said something already!”

                “He doesn’t want to scare you off!” Hannah says.

                “Scare me off…?”

                “Look, you’re fragile, and you’re innocent, and everyone can see that – especially Shane. He doesn’t want to jump into something with you. He wants everything to move slowly, so you feel comfortable. I think he’s just been waiting for the right time to tell you he likes you,” Hannah says.

                I let this sink in. If Shane really does like me, maybe that’s why he got so upset about Oliver. And about Zach at the party. But why wouldn’t he just tell me? Do I like him back? No, no, I like Oliver. I feel guilty for thinking about this when Oliver and I shared such an amazing kiss last night.

                “I can’t believe you didn’t already know. It’s so obvious,” Hannah says. “Look, I’ve got to get to class. Let me know how things go.”

                I frown, not knowing what she’s referring to, when I remember that Shane and I walk to our next class together, and I was supposed to meet him outside.

                I say goodbye to Hannah and rush outside. I look around and spot Shane heading towards me, looking down at his phone. He gets near, and looks up. He grins.

                “Hey, Anna Banana. Ready for class?” He nudges me with his elbow and we start walking.           

                “Mhm,” I say, my mind still reeling from the news Hannah just told me. Does he really like me?

                I look up at Shane. He’s got his head up, and he’s looking around at all the people. He nods at one guy who greets him, and again when a girl I haven’t seen says “hey, Shane” in a flirty way. She’s gorgeous, with dark, long hair and hazel eyes. Shane doesn’t even seem affected by her, he just nods and continues walking. My heart wrenches when I think about what Hannah said, and I feel my gut twist when I realize I don’t even know how I feel towards him.

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