chapter two

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EDEN WAS shaking, tears were streaming down her face as she read all the comments on her most recent post. no one was answering her questions so the only thing she could do is go back and rewatch the live.

she could barely even click on it because she was shaking is bad, she skipped past all the parts she already seen and sat there and watched.

finn got close to the camera and read a comment, "what's the accounts name?" he picked up his phone for a minute before answering the question.

"finnfics." he read out loud, and that's when eden's hand flew to her mouth and she was full on sobbing.

"i told you it was fanfiction, finnfics, fanfics, they're basically the same thing." eden wasn't even paying attention to anything josh was saying, all she could think about was finn reading the stories she wrote about him.

more importantly the stories she wrote about them. her and him. him and her. finn and eden. that was a ship all her followers shipped but they didn't know that it was her. she told them plenty of times it was just a character she made up, she didn't want to seem like a creep writing about herself, but technically she wasn't.

she missed the part where they got really serious, so she was confused as to why finn said what he said next.

"she doesn't even know me . . . yet it's like she understands me." but that was enough to make her cry harder, if it was even possible.

she couldn't believe it, finn wolfhard read something she wrote, and liked it. not even just one, josh said he's been reading it all day. the thought of him even knowing her account exist is something that could make her beyond happy, but this? this was a feeling she couldn't even explain.

she was surprised that he wasn't creeped out, she was literally making up a fantasy about his life. making it her own.

she wanted to thank him, even though she knew he would never see it or read it she wanted to make sure she showed him that she was grateful. so she clicked off the live and clicked on her dm's.

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