chapter eighteen

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finnfics eden heard a soft knock from the other side of the door, looking up from her phone she seen it slightly open revealing finn who wasn't supposed to come home for another month. she jumped quickly to her feet, and although she wanted to hug him there was a huge box in the way. "finn, what're you doing here?" he set the box on her bed and pulled her into a hug. her arms flew around his neck, she hugged him as if they haven't seen each other forever. "i was on my way to surprise you then i saw something that reminded me of you, so i would've been here earlier." she pulled away from the neck and connected their lips, it wasn't everyday she got to do that. "you didn't have to get me anything, finnie." he knew that. "open it, okay?" she slowly nodded before walking over to the box and lifting the lid off. a small white puppy sat inside with a small ribbon around its collar. eden felt tears welling in the back of her eyes, quickly she picked up the dog and cradled it. "oh my god, finn. you got me a dog?" it licked her arm but didn't try and jump down at all. "you always talk about how you want one, so i thought . . . hey let me buy her one."


user they are so pure omg !!
finnfics i know right !!

user where do you get ideas from
finnfics i just really want a dog and my mom won't buy me one soooo

user this is so cute i wish finn wolfhard would show up at my door with a dog
finnfics sowkwkss same
finnwolfhardofficial i don't know where you live tho
finnfics omg

user finns actually the cutest
finnfics facts

user i want a puppy :(
finnfics me too :(

user just get married already
finnfics they're only 18

finnwolfhardofficial i would totally buy someone a dog
user buy me a dog
finnfics send em this way

user my babiess
finnfics correction: our babiess

user my heart
finnfics :)

user he surprises her so much what the heck
finnfics yea well he's always working so he surprises her whenever he can
user we stan (1) good boyfriend

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