chapter twenty-seven

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EDEN SAT on her bed texting finn on snapchat, since the time they met she found herself crying a lot less. she started looking at him as her actual friend so now when a notification pops up she smiles, and right now she had the biggest smile on her face.

she knew now that she did like finn, not in a fangirl way, not in a platonic way, and not in a friend way. she liked him, and she didn't know what to do because although he says he doesn't, she knows that he still looks at her as if she just a fan and that's what hurts.

she only wished that her stories were true and that her and finn were actually together. finn and eden in her story are so cute, always there for each other and they love each other. and eden couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like if it were real.

a soft knock came from the other side of her door, before she could even speak the door slowly opened revealing her bestfriend, emi. "oh my god! why are you crying?" emi was immediately by edens side on her bed.

her hand slowly reach up and touch her cheek, she hadn't even realized she was crying. "have you ever loved a word until someone said it. . . and then it became your worst nightmare?" she whispered.

emi looked at her confusedly, "friend. i use to love that word, i use to love calling people my friends and i loved having them but then finn called me his friend and all of a sudden . . . i never wanted to see that word again." she looked up from her lap and met emi's eyes who were filled with tears for her friend.

"why do you do this to yourself eden? you're hurting yourself by talking to him and writing those stupid stories, i want you to be happy and you haven't been lately." she said softly.

eden went to go comment on how her stories weren't stupid but then something hit her, "how do you know about my stories? and obviously you haven't been around enough because this is the happiest i've ever been, because when i write. . . i'm just me. and when i talk to him i'm in my story."

"i found your account and i didn't say anything because you didn't tell me about it for a reason. but eden you don't understand that finn isn't ever going to look at you that way, especially because you write fan fiction about him. i'm not trying to be rude but i don't want you anymore hurt than you already are." eden knew where she was coming from but hearing her say it only made her angry.

"the only one hurting me right now is you."

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