chapter twenty-two

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hey, are you free to talk?

yea of course

if you're busy i don't want to bother you

no! honestly it's fine i love talking
to you

so a few hours ago i was at a party,
but like not one of those kinds of
parties, it was more like an after party
but there was no before party.. anyways
forgot to mention that this is josh. well
finn was there and he got real nervous
really fast, and at first i didn't know what
was going on, and then it hit me. . he
was on the verge of an anxiety attack. it
small so you shouldn't worry but when
he sat down i reached for him and he
called me eden. i quote "eden?" and
i know he wouldn't tell you


authors note !
well if you're confused as to why he said eden then it's because he was reading her stories obviously! and he just got so used to her being there

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