Chapter 2

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The next day, you woke up with a start and quickly got dressed. After doing your morning duties of brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, and eating breakfast, you went out and headed towards the Hosu General Hospital.

As you walked there, you took out your notepad and pen and began your daily writing prompt: You looked at each person and tried to guess their story. How they're feeling, their motives, what they're doing, and just character in general. Then you'd use what you think of that person and transform it into a poem. Sometimes you'd write about yourself, sometimes you'd write about the scenery or objects. Today you wrote about people. 2 to 4 lines each poem, and at least 10 things each day.

You saw a woman talking to a little girl, most likely her daughter, who was crying and you saw the annoyance in her eyes.

The pains of being a mother,
There's other jobs you'd rather,
But the joy is unlike any other.

You saw a couple taking a morning jog together. One of them stopped to take a drink of water.

They say that it's good for your youth,
But is that really the truth?
Or is that an excuse for the lazy,
Since it'll drive them crazy?

This continued until you got to the hospital, and by then you'd written for about 6 people. Writing is fun, but rhyming is satisfaction, you thought. Slipping your pad and pen into your pockets, you went in, asking a nurse to visit someone. You gave a name, Rina Mitsu, and she guided you towards a room.

Walking in, you felt a pang of sadness as you saw Rina lying on a bed, eyes closed. However, when she heard the door open, she quickly opened her eyes and looked towards you, beaming.

"Hey, [Y/N]!" she called, giving you a grin.

"Hey," you replied, returning the smile. You sat down in a chair next to her. "How are you doing?"

"It's really boring here without anyone to talk to. All I do is sleep now. Sometimes I'll use my quirk to keep me from going insane from boredom." She gave a small laugh. "Here."

Rina handed you a small origami crane made of [F/C] paper, and it flew into your hand. Her quirk, Origami, allowed them to make origami into real things. Paper plane? It would fly just like a real one. Paper flower? It would smell just as nice. Paper animals? It would stay the same size, sadly, but will obey Rina.

"Cute," you commented, petting the crane. It was fake and made of paper, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have feelings. You took out your own yellow paper crane, and Rina put a finger on it. The crane's wings fluttered, and the two flew off next to the windowsill.

"How is the story going?" Rina asked. You gave her the brief summary of the story on a piece of paper you had. She gave suggestions and thoughts, with a few jokes in between, and you were glad to have such a friend.

May I see your poems?" she asked. She knew your answer before you answered, as you gave her your notepad, smiling.

She read them quietly, laughing at the funny, relatable lines. Meanwhile, you heard screams from another room. You were in a hospital, so that wasn't out of the ordinary. But you couldn't help but sigh at the unfortunate events of the world.

"They're wonderful!" she complimented, earning a thankful smile from you. She suddenly started coughing, hard.

You weren't surprised by this, since you knew this was going to happen. It happened everyday. You started humming a low, enchanting tune. It had a small purr to it, like a cat.

She stopped coughing, her eyes drooped, and she soon fell asleep. You sighed, then said, "Get well soon, Rina."

But your quirk can only do so much.

A friend nearing death,
Who'll take their final breath.

I try to save her from Death's clutch,
But I can only do so much.

~♪♫ ♪♫ ♪~
Chapter music question!
Do you listen to The Score? If so, favorite song?

Inspiration [Hizashi Yamada x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now