Chapter 24

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The event was today and you were at the place where it was held. It was in a large theater with many, many seats, similar to the auditorium you saw at U. A.

The announcers had introduced the contestants and the prize of 250 thousand yen. You weren't aiming for the money, but for the fun and experience, especially with Hizashi.

You were backstage with your instruments, waiting for Hizashi. You were worried he wasn't going to make it. Trinket was in your hair, singing the song.

Suddenly, you felt someone ambush you from behind. "[Y/N]!

You looked behind you and saw a familiar brown-haired girl with a large, perfect smile. A boy who looked similar but with a smaller, less energetic smile stood behind her.

"Mabel! Mason!" you exclaimed, eyebrows raising. "I knew you guys would be here!"

"We knew you'd be here too!" the girl, Mabel, said. "Where's Rina?"

"She's sick," you said simply. "Since last year."

"Really?" The twins were surprised. "Who are you doing this with, then?"

"Hiza—" you caught yourself there. "Hisaki Yasuji. He's someone I've met a few months ago and we decided to work together."

"Awesome, and is this bird part of the band too?" Mabel poked the bird's beak, saying "boop."

"Yep, though the staff didn't really count it. Rina made it with her quirk."

"It's so detailed," Mason breathed. "Rina's quirk definitely improved a lot since we last saw each other."

"Where's Yasuji? I want to meet him!" Mabel jumped up and down childishly. "Are you two, ah, together~?"

You nodded.

"Darn." Mabel pouted. "I was thinking we could hook up. He sounds like a hot dude. And a musician at that."

You laughed. "I heard Mason's gotten a girlfriend before you."

"Oh shut it," Mason muttered, embarrassed. "We'd love to meet him anyhow."

"He's coming later," you said. "I told the host that I'd go last just in case he's late."

"I see," Mason mused. "We're going just before you then. What song are you playing? Your own or what?"

"I did a mashup of my song and his." Oops, you messed up. Satisfied was a popular song and they would definitely recognize it as Hizashi's. Oh well.

"Awesome, how are you splitting the instrumentals and singing?" Mason asked. "I see you're playing the drums."

"I am, and Hisaki is playing the guitar and piano. We're both singing different parts of the song." You pointed at the piano and guitar.

"Singing drummers aren't very common," Mabel commented. "That'll be interesting."

"There's plenty of leading drummers, Mabel," Mason said. "Ringo Starr, Levon Helm, and Roger Taylor were lead singers that played the drums."

"Nerd alert!" Mabel joked, rolling her eyes. You laughed as Mason elbowed his sister.

"Well, good luck with your show, we'll be looking forward to it!" Mason said.

"Yeah, and we're going to win this time!" Mabel exclaimed. "REDEMPTION!"

You laughed, then waved goodbye as they left to meet the other contestants.

Meanwhile, you knocked the wooden sticks together and then the drums. You didn't want to call Hizashi in case he was still in a meeting or doing some other work, but he was really starting to worry you.

Inspiration [Hizashi Yamada x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now