Chapter 17

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Hizashi smiled to himself after you left, feeling special that he got to hear you sing. He was lucky to have convinced you to sing your part of the song at the battle.

Hizashi checked the time, realizing his hero shift was in an hour. He groaned, not wanting to go and gel his hair again. It was a pain and he continuously had second thoughts about choosing a banana-shaped hairstyle. It did look good though, he thought.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower. He stripped and let his hair down from the bun.

A few moments later after he got in, it wasn't long before he noticed something wrong. The soap felt weird and he didn't remember it being shaped the way it was. When he noticed the weird bubbles, however, he felt something was wrong and took a whiff of it.

"What the hell?" he said to himself. He reached out from the shower to grab his deodorant. Uncapping it, he realized it was, in fact, his soap. Hizashi groaned. You must have done this.

He put the soap bar decoy down on the sink and used the deodorant disguise for his soap. He'll have to get you back for this.

Once he finished washing his hair too, he turned off the water, still miffed about the soap and deodorant trick. It wasn't that annoying, but just bothersome. Which was pretty much the same thing.

He took his towels to dry off, and when he was about to put the hair drying towel on, he felt a cool, goopy feeling on the top of his head. He quickly took it off and threw it down on the floor, afraid it was some gooey bug thing. He paused for a moment, staring at the towel to see if something would crawl out.

When nothing did, he felt on top of his head and felt the same goopy fluid and looked at his hand. Green, minty, toothpaste. He groaned for the second time.

"I just washed this," he muttered to himself. He turned on the faucet to wash his hand, but was greeted by a face full of water. He sputtered, turning it off. It was as if you designed it just for his height.

"[Y/N]...." Hizashi cursed. "I swear if there's more things I will come to your house and challenge you to a karaoke contest."

He peeled off the tape and washed the toothpaste off his hands, then his hair. He carefully took his brush and looked at it carefully, making sure there was nothing in it. Seeing as there wasn't, he took his hair gel and put his finger in it, feeling to see if it was actual hair gel. It felt the same.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he got dressed in his hero costume and started doing his hair. However, his hands were still wet and the shampoo and gel mixture that Hizashi didn't know about created bubbles.

Hizashi noticed it in the mirror. "FUCKING HELL [Y/N]!"

Mad respect for the people who made the mirrors that Hizashi used, because he used his quirk and not one crack appeared.

"How did they even get the same texture and feel of the gel with the shampoo?" Hizashi asked himself. He washed out the shampoo in his hair and got another container of hair gel. Even with the plastic wrap around it, he couldn't help but check the gel.

He turned to get a piece of toilet paper but jumped when he noticed a black, spidery thing on it when he pulled. He didn't have his glasses on, and he couldn't tell if it was real or not. When the small figure didn't move, he calmed down and noticed it was fake.

Hizashi ran his fingers through his hair, annoyed and frustrated, and ripped the toilet paper off, carefully and without touching the drawing just because it looked too much like the real thing. He wiped his gel-covered fingers to see if it was actual gel. Seeing that it was, he applied the gel to get his hair up. "Wait, if they put shampoo in my hair gel, did they put hair gel in my shampoo?"

He stared at the bottle of shampoo, but couldn't be bothered to check and threw it out, getting a new bottle. It was almost out anyway. He didn't have any time to wash his hair again, either.

He muttered to himself as he returned everything to normal. "And they said you don't mess with other people's stuff."

Finally done, he checked the time, expecting to be late. Almost.

Even so, if Shota was here rather than at the summer training camp with his students, Hizashi would definitely be angrily scolded and glared at. Hizashi would blame you and your genius brain.

You were in for it tomorrow.

~♪♫ ♪♫ ♪~
Chapter music question!
Do you prefer male or female singers?

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