Part One || Chapter One

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Yes, indeed.......what was once known as Lothric is now known as Vale. Where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge. In venturing north the old hunters and pilgrims of Londor discovered the truth of the old words: "The fire fades and the Lords go without thrones."  When the link of fire is threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Cinder from their graves. Aldrich, saint of the Deep. Farron's undead legion, the Abyss Watchers. The reclusive Lord of the Profaned Capital, Yhorm the Giant. Only in truth......the Lords will abandon their thrones.....and the Unkindled will rise--

Nameless, accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder.

And so it is, that ash seeketh embers.
                    [PROLOGUE END]

[Point of View || Ruby Rose]
While out for a midnight walk, headphones overhead, I lightly whistle the tune of 'Bloody Stream'. But something catches my eye, various men robbing a dust shop, but the odd thing is the fact that they are taking everything but the money. Just what do you need that much dust for? As the sight distracts me I feel the barrel of a gun tap the back of my head, causing me to slowly turn around to see a man dressed in black direct his gun towards my pockets. In confusion I take off my headphones, looking up at him. "Excuse me sir but.......are you robbing me?" The man grunts, nodding which causes me to sigh. "I mean all I got is an i-pod first gen and Crescent Rose."

"What the hell is a Crescent Ro--AH SHIT!" I unfold from behind my red hooded-cloak a large red and black scythe that happens to double as a sniper rifle, hitting him in the torso which launches him away and onto the concrete ground. " Crescent Rose!" I smile smugly as I see the other men run towards me, followed by a ginger-haired male in a white coat and a bowl hat who's swaying a black cane and smirking the smile of the devil. "Awe, Little Red Riding Hood....... aren't you on your way to deliver a picnic basket to dear old, grandma?!" As he yells to the men all charge at me, in which I react by backstepping and dodging their attacks, counter-attacking with my weapon.

Momentarily everyone stops at the sounds of a bell tolling, all of the men look around, seeing no bell tower and or church in sight. Using this opportunity I use my scythe to slash at all of them in a wide circular motion, causing them all to scatter. "Hmmm, where'd the bell sound from anyways?" I look back to the ginger, barely dodging the onslaught of his cane. His attacks are savage but coordinated at the same time, this surprises me which leads to me losing my footing and falling on my behind. "End of the line Red!!!" He swings his cane overhead, and I close my eyes waiting for impact.



Any minute now.......

Am I dead already?!

I open my eyes to see the small blade of a dagger through the abdomen of my attacker, causing me to stand up and move back. I then look at the person behind him. Someone dressed in brass armour and sporting a target shield on their back. They then speak their voice filled with hype.

"Nah it's the end of the line for you because it's ex-machina time bitch!" She kicks the man, causing him to fall and roll forward while bleeding profusely. "You okay, you didn't get hurt by him did ya?" She holds out her hand, wanting me to shake it. "Yeah I'm fine, and my name's Ruby, Ruby Rose. And you are?" I shake her hand, smiling reassuringly. "I'm Äsh Kain, of Irythyll. An unkindled undead."

[Point of View || Äsh Kain]
After my little introduction, Ruby stares at me in complete confusion, slowly letting go of my hand. "Unkindled, you mean those old legends of the Lords of Cinder and stuff and whatnot; you're an unkindled undead?! I don't believe it!" I sigh, shaking my head. "Didn't you hear a bell just now Ruby?"

The Bells øf Remnant [DARK SOULS III × RWBY]Where stories live. Discover now