Part One || Chapter Four

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[Point of View || Äsh Kain]

After a mass of intense three-hour training, I lay tired on the ballroom floor as everyone else begins to awake. I hear a very loud yawn, turning my head to see that it is none other than Ruby Rose. "N-yaaaaaw~! Oh, good morning Äsh!" I chuckle, ruffling her hair lightly. "Actually it's the afternoon Ruby, all of you are late sleepers and late risers!" She pouts, smacking my hand away as she crawls out of the covers along with the little kitten. "Afternoon Blake!" I lightly punch her shoulder to wake her up fully. "Ow Äsh, don't you--ow hey are you even listening?!" I chuckle, getting into a defensive stance as I taunt Blake. "C'mon, do somethin' bout' it kitty!" Blake lazily tosses her book at me in which only parry it with my hand. {Authors Note: When fighting hand to hand, Äsh uses judo and Muay Thai that she learned from an Easterner.}

Blake grumbles in response, then rolling her eyes as she yawns. "That's the cute girl I remember from yesterday!" She smiles lightly and Ruby punches my arm in jealousy in which I respond by hugging her. "Sorry Ruby, Blake may be cute but you still have my heart~!" Blake chuckles at the scene before her, smiling as I softly pat Ruby's head.

Suddenly an announcer blares over the room, the voice being recognized as Professor Goodwitch. "All first year students report to the cliff above the Emerald Forest to begin initiation." With everyone woken up I begin to walk over to Jaune, giving him his sword in scabbard/shield. "Oh thanks Äsh, how exactly did you modify it?" I change my armour instantly, wearing the armour of my old prince, Lorian, minus his crown. "Simply hold the sword using both your hands and you shall find out." I take my leave, smiling at the thought of making Jaune a Darkmoon Knight.


"All of you will be launched out into the forest, given the task of collecting large chess pieces known as relics. You may or may not have to fight Grimm along the way and the first person you make eye contact with.....will be your team mate for four years. Any questions?" Jaune lifts a finger to speak only to be flung into the air, giving of a Wilhelm scream. One by one students are thrown into the air by the powerful metal plates. Smirking, Seigward, Hilda, and I grab ahold of each others hands before feeling wind flow about our faces.

Seigward simply drinks one of his Seigbraü while Hilda screams in delight. As we get closer to the dirt ground Hilda uses pyromancies to slow our fall. Upon instinct Seigward and I roll whereas Hilda simply lands normally, bending her knees to cover the impact. It's only then when I notice her choice of clothing. She's still wearing her crown but she now has on a black hoodie with light chainmail underneath, grey jeans, and military grade combat boots. It seems she's already familiar with today's type of clothing.

Never minding the fact we all begin to trek along the dirt ground, soon finding what appears to be an abandoned temple but it looks all too familiar. Something about that steel statue just gives a familiar vibe. Looking around we soon see other students arrive, some making an entrance such as a certain ginger haired girl riding on an ursa which soon collapses upon entrance. "Awe, it broke!"

With a look of confusion plastered on her face Ruby questions the scene. "Did she just–" Her thought was soon interrupted by the sound of a girl screaming from above. Everyone looks up to see none other than Weiss Schnee falling from the sky. Suddenly Jaune takes action, jumping forward to catch her. "I got her!" Successfully Jaune catches her with ease, flipping and landing. "Huh-hey! Five points to Jauney-Boy!" I call out to him, giving him a high five as he puts Weiss down gently. "M-my thanks to you Jaune."

Ruby and I gasp at the sight before us, causing us to exclaim in unison. "Weiss can be nice?!" She scowls, shaking the thought of as everyone then goes to grab a relic. I look over at Jaune, smiling at him as he blindly grabs a glowing relic.....wait a second.

"Uhm Äsh.....I don't think this is a...*gulp* relic!" From the darkness of the ruins comes forth a giant grimm that resembles a goliath scorpion. "Of course it's a Death stalker." Many students run away in fear as one then says something that causes panic. "Hey maybe we can use that giant sword that's in that statue!" My eyes widen as Jaune, Ruby, Yang, Words, Blake, and Yang all prepare for battle as Hilda tries to stop the other students!

"Don't touch that sword, it's a tra–" In the hands of the group of students the large coiled sword disappears into embers as the statue then stands up, this was no statue....this is the champion of the flameless world who's now corrupted by the abyss...Ludex Gundyr. Using his large halberd Gundyr swings at the Death stalker, crushing through it's exoskeletal armour and killing it in one swift blow. This causes for most of the group to run and roll out of the way, scattered about.

"Äsh, what is that thing?!" Ruby screams out as she looks at the large enemy before us. "No time to explain but I need you to get outa here!" I ready my weapon and shield, in my right having a (Sharp) Astora Greatsword (+10) and in my left a Sunlight Shield (+7). "What no I can't leave you here!" I charge towards Gundyr with my shield up, Jaune following suit as Hilda and Seigward evacuate everyone. Jaune and I take multiple turns attacking Gundyr, rolling out the way when necessary.

Gundyr jumps into the air, then diving down to Jaune with his halberd at devilish speeds. "Jaune watch out, roll, ROLL!" *tung*  What happens next is what surprises me to the fullest. With such speed, excellent timing, and finesse, Jaune parrys Gundyr's attack. "Äsh, riposte now!" Drawing our arms back, we both plunge our weapons into Gundyr's head, dealing and abundance of damage.

Back stepping Jaune and I watch as the upper half of Gundyr becomes an amalgamation of Grimm. Waisting no time I bless my weapons with a divine miracle, the blade glowing purple with the occasional twinkle of white light. "Darkmoon blade!" Putting away his shield Jaune then holds his sword with both hands, the blade becoming extended with a bright orange flame. We both attack in a flurry of well coordinated swings and thrusts, soon causing Gundyr to fall backwards slowly, then exploding in a shower of light. "We.....we did it!"

[Chapter End||Word Count//1148]

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