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Keith POV//First Person:

I woke up. This was the day I've been dreading since the age ten. My seventeenth birthday.

Unfortunately, I live in a horrible universe where on your seventeenth birthday you can contact your soulmate by writing on your arm, and immediately after your done writing on your arm it shows up on your soulmates arm.

Now I am absolutely positive that I never ever will have a soulmate. Why? Because I was not made for love.

And besides it's not like I can have a soulmate. How can I have a soulmate if I'm gay.

I sighed and put on my favourite pair of black skinny jeans.

"Keith! Come down here!" I heard my adoptive mother, Alice, scream.

I quickly threw on a shirt and walked downstairs.

My adoptive father, Erik, barely even looked in my direction. Which, I was used to ever since I came out of the closet to them.

I shuddered at the memory, but quickly pushed it down.

Alice came over to me and gave me a short awkward hug, "Happy birthday, Keith! Would you like your present right now?"

No I want to go back to bed. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care."

Alice clapped her hands excitedly and ran off to go get her gift.

I sat at the table and waited for about minute and a half until Alice finally came out with a bright smile on her face.

I almost choked when all she put down in front of me was a simple red marker.

I raised a brow as I picked up the marker.

"It's to contact your soulmate!" Alice's grin faltered as she asked in a less enthusiastic voice, "Do you like it?"

Yes, Alice I totally and absolutely am enjoying the fact that I am going to be alone forever. And the best part about it is that this marker just seems to be mocking me about it.

I forced a smile and swallowed my sarcasm, "I love it."

Alice clapped her hands and praised herself. She sat down at the table across from me. She looked like she was waiting for something.

"Umm... am I supposed to do something?" I asked.

"Yes! Use it!" She seemed very excited. 

I didn't want to make her feel sad, so I started to roll my sleeve up. I uncapped the marker and set the cap down on the table. I didn't know what to write, so I just decided on a simple "Hi" on my wrist.

I pushed away any hope of getting a response back.

Alice clapped her hands, " I can't wait till sh-... Oh sorry Keith," she quickly cleared her throat, looking down with the excitement drained out of her voice,"he sees it."

I put my head down, trying to ignore Erik's hateful glare burning in the back of my skull.

Lance's POV//First Person:

I woke up from the bright Arizona sun gleaming through my window.

Two more weeks until my seventeenth birthday. Then I can finally contact my soulmate.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stood up from my bed.

As I was putting on my shirt I noticed something red on my wrist.

I looked down on my wrist.

"Hi" Was all it said.

My heart fluttered. As simple as it was it still meant I had a soulmate somewhere out there. Waiting for me.

Stupid universe! Keeping me away from my precious soulmate for two more weeks! The audacity!

I grabbed a long sleeved shirt, knowing I had to hide the note from my family.

My mamà didn't believe in contacting your soulmate early, song knew if she saw it she would have taken away my privileges to talk to my soulmate for, like, a month after my birthday.

As I started making my way out of my room it felt as if I was floating on a cloud.

I didn't know why, but it already felt as if though me and my soulmate have known each other for years.

I felt my lips turn up into a grin as I made my way down the stairs, wishing the whole time that two weeks will go by in seconds.

Hey everybody! It's the author. This is my first Klance fanfic so if it sucks please tell me and I will try to improve it. Oh and also please comment if you see any mistakes. Sorry this chapter is short but I promise the next one will me longer. Love y'all!
|Natalie A. 💜|

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