~Chapter 1~

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Keith POV//First person:

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I felt for the alarm clocks off button. After I finally turned off the screeching devil I stared at the ceiling

I counted how many hours I slept. Three hours. Good enough.

I threw off my blankets and reluctantly left the comfort of my bed.

I got on a pair of black skinny jeans and threw on a My Chemical Romance tee shirt.

I sighed.

School. I had to go to school. The worst part about that is that we had a ice skating field trip today.

Of course the school board had to pick a sport that I am absolutely terrible at.

As I bent down to grab my backpack I saw the faded red 'hi' on my wrist. I sighed again. It's been two weeks since I tried to contact this so called soulmate of mine, and still no answer.

I should have felt relieved, but instead I felt worried and impatience.

What if he got hurt. What if he thinks I'm a girl, or worse what if it is a girl.

I pushed down my thoughts, quickly ran a comb through my mullet,threw on my favorite sweater, and headed downstairs, taking two stairs at a time. Before Erik could glance in my direction I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and ran to the door.

I stopped and looked back into the house. When my eyes landed on Erik I saw him glaring at me with a scowl that can make a flower shrivel into black dust.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and gave a little wave before I shut the door and made my way to the bus stop.

Lance POV//First person:

I woke up on the first screech from my alarm clock.

I threw my blankets off and danced around the room. Happiness flooding me. Today was the day I've waiting for my whole life.

My seventeenth birthday!

I looked at my wrist, and sure enough, there was still a faded red 'hi' on my wrist. I grinned. I gave the faded lettering a gentle kiss before throwing on my normal outfit.

A green bomber jacket with a faded gray tee shirt, some blue jeans with a pair of blue converse.

As I walked downstairs I grabbed a piece of toast off a big plate my mamà had probably made.

I went over and grabbed my backpack off the hanger. I called a "I love you" Into the house and shut the door before anyone could answer.

I grinned as I remembered the ice skating field trip that was today. I was an amazing ice skater and I knew everyone would be jealous of my skills.

Smiling the whole way I walked to the bus stop.

time skip•

When I got to school I was briefly greeted by my home room teacher Mr. Shiro, then was quickly escorted out to the field trip bus.

Once I was inside the bus I looked along the long aisle. Unfortunately, there was only one seat left. And that was by Keith Kogane.

Now I didn't have a problem with him.

Well maybe one tiny problem, but that was mostly my fault.

The problem was that of course my gay side thought Keith was the hottest most sexy emo man alive.

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